This REST API endpoint returns the final aggregated match stats packet in a single URL call (which are typically delivered in the 'Live match Statistics' websocket). These stats are delivered in the API call at the END of the fixture.
The data contained will include all team and player aggregated stats happening within the basketball match - this will include; goals, cards, corners, shots and more. For a list of all match stats that are supported, as well as definitions of these actions, please see the following documentation page.{fixtureId}/statistics
N.B. – Please insert the relevant fixtureId returned from the fixtures API endpoint to return the data. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint.
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
Once post match
Updated at the end of each match with the full list of team and player match stats
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
Please see the live actions websocket 'Response Model' section to understand the stats, definitions. Below is also a small snippet of the JSON schema
"seqNum": 1535,
"version": 2,
"finished": true,
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T13:17:07.082050100Z",
"teamActionAggregates": [
"team": {
"id": "02ed1f32-385f-4e0f-b78f-390a498d34af",
"name": "Rudar"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "3PT Shot",
"actionId": 233,
"actionAggregate": 28,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT missed",
"actionId": 211,
"actionAggregate": 24,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offensive Rebound",
"actionId": 204,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT missed",
"actionId": 209,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Foul Against",
"actionId": 230,
"actionAggregate": 15,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT awarded",
"actionId": 213,
"actionAggregate": 12,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "1FT",
"subActionId": 21301,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "2FT",
"subActionId": 21302,
"subActionAggregate": 9
"action": "2PT Shot",
"actionId": 232,
"actionAggregate": 38,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT made",
"actionId": 207,
"actionAggregate": 22,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT missed",
"actionId": 210,
"actionAggregate": 16,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT made",
"actionId": 206,
"actionAggregate": 10,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Defensive Rebound",
"actionId": 205,
"actionAggregate": 25,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Block",
"actionId": 223,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Steal",
"actionId": 222,
"actionAggregate": 13,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Player Foul",
"actionId": 212,
"actionAggregate": 21,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Personal",
"subActionId": 21201,
"subActionAggregate": 18
"subAction": "Offensive",
"subActionId": 21204,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Unsportsmanlike",
"subActionId": 21203,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Turnover",
"actionId": 201,
"actionAggregate": 20,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Double Dribble",
"subActionId": 20005,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "Stolen",
"subActionId": 20001,
"subActionAggregate": 12
"subAction": "Travelling",
"subActionId": 20004,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Back Court Violation",
"subActionId": 20003,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"action": "Defensive Team Rebound",
"actionId": 225,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Assist",
"actionId": 217,
"actionAggregate": 16,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT made",
"actionId": 208,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "3PT Shot",
"actionId": 233,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT missed",
"actionId": 211,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offensive Rebound",
"actionId": 204,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT missed",
"actionId": 209,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Foul Against",
"actionId": 230,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT awarded",
"actionId": 213,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "1FT",
"subActionId": 21301,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "2FT",
"subActionId": 21302,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"action": "2PT Shot",
"actionId": 232,
"actionAggregate": 13,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT made",
"actionId": 207,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT missed",
"actionId": 210,
"actionAggregate": 6,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT made",
"actionId": 206,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Defensive Rebound",
"actionId": 205,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Block",
"actionId": 223,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Steal",
"actionId": 222,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Player Foul",
"actionId": 212,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Personal",
"subActionId": 21201,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "Offensive",
"subActionId": 21204,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Turnover",
"actionId": 201,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Double Dribble",
"subActionId": 20005,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Stolen",
"subActionId": 20001,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"action": "Defensive Team Rebound",
"actionId": 225,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Assist",
"actionId": 217,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Player Foul",
"actionId": 212,
"actionAggregate": 10,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Personal",
"subActionId": 21201,
"subActionAggregate": 8
"subAction": "Offensive",
"subActionId": 21204,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Unsportsmanlike",
"subActionId": 21203,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "3PT Shot",
"actionId": 233,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT missed",
"actionId": 211,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Defensive Rebound",
"actionId": 205,
"actionAggregate": 12,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Turnover",
"actionId": 201,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Travelling",
"subActionId": 20004,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Stolen",
"subActionId": 20001,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "Back Court Violation",
"subActionId": 20003,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Double Dribble",
"subActionId": 20005,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "2PT Shot",
"actionId": 232,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT made",
"actionId": 207,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Assist",
"actionId": 217,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Foul Against",
"actionId": 230,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT awarded",
"actionId": 213,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "1FT",
"subActionId": 21301,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "2FT",
"subActionId": 21302,
"subActionAggregate": 2
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"actionId": 206,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Block",
"actionId": 223,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Steal",
"actionId": 222,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT missed",
"actionId": 209,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT missed",
"actionId": 210,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offensive Rebound",
"actionId": 204,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 3,
"aggregates": [
"action": "3PT Shot",
"actionId": 233,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT missed",
"actionId": 211,
"actionAggregate": 6,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Steal",
"actionId": 222,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT Shot",
"actionId": 232,
"actionAggregate": 6,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT made",
"actionId": 207,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Assist",
"actionId": 217,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Player Foul",
"actionId": 212,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Personal",
"subActionId": 21201,
"subActionAggregate": 4
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"actionId": 205,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT made",
"actionId": 208,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Foul Against",
"actionId": 230,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT missed",
"actionId": 210,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Turnover",
"actionId": 201,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Stolen",
"subActionId": 20001,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"subAction": "Back Court Violation",
"subActionId": 20003,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Block",
"actionId": 223,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT awarded",
"actionId": 213,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "2FT",
"subActionId": 21302,
"subActionAggregate": 2
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"actionId": 206,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT missed",
"actionId": 209,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 4,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Turnover",
"actionId": 201,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Stolen",
"subActionId": 20001,
"subActionAggregate": 3
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"actionId": 233,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT missed",
"actionId": 211,
"actionAggregate": 6,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Defensive Team Rebound",
"actionId": 225,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT Shot",
"actionId": 232,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT made",
"actionId": 207,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Steal",
"actionId": 222,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT made",
"actionId": 208,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Assist",
"actionId": 217,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Foul Against",
"actionId": 230,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT awarded",
"actionId": 213,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "2FT",
"subActionId": 21302,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"action": "FT missed",
"actionId": 209,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT made",
"actionId": 206,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT missed",
"actionId": 210,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Player Foul",
"actionId": 212,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Personal",
"subActionId": 21201,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"action": "Offensive Rebound",
"actionId": 204,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Defensive Rebound",
"actionId": 205,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"playerActionAggregates": [
"player": {
"id": "4b6fe5e8-5f0a-4f59-bdef-f5ff54bce28d",
"name": "Dejan Dzakovic"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "3PT Shot",
"actionId": 233,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT missed",
"actionId": 211,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Defensive Rebound",
"actionId": 205,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Steal",
"actionId": 222,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Foul Against",
"actionId": 230,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT awarded",
"actionId": 213,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "2FT",
"subActionId": 21302,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"action": "FT missed",
"actionId": 209,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT made",
"actionId": 206,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
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"actionId": 232,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT made",
"actionId": 207,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offensive Rebound",
"actionId": 204,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT missed",
"actionId": 210,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Turnover",
"actionId": 201,
"actionAggregate": 10,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Stolen",
"subActionId": 20001,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"subAction": "Back Court Violation",
"subActionId": 20003,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Double Dribble",
"subActionId": 20005,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Assist",
"actionId": 217,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Player Foul",
"actionId": 212,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Personal",
"subActionId": 21201,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"subAction": "Offensive",
"subActionId": 21204,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Block",
"actionId": 223,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "3PT Shot",
"actionId": 233,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "3PT missed",
"actionId": 211,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Defensive Rebound",
"actionId": 205,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Steal",
"actionId": 222,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Foul Against",
"actionId": 230,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT awarded",
"actionId": 213,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "2FT",
"subActionId": 21302,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "FT missed",
"actionId": 209,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "FT made",
"actionId": 206,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
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"actionId": 232,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT made",
"actionId": 207,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offensive Rebound",
"actionId": 204,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "2PT missed",
"actionId": 210,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Turnover",
"actionId": 201,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Stolen",
"subActionId": 20001,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Assist",
"actionId": 217,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []