Android SDK

IMGA Event Centre Android SDK


This sample app shows how to integrate the IMGA front row seat SDK into an Android application.

Supported IDEs:

  • Android Studio

Supported build systems:

  • Gradle

Adding the library to the project

Using Github Packages Maven repository

Add the repository to your build.gradle file

repositories {
     maven {
            url = uri("")
            credentials {
                username = "username"
                password = "password"

Add the package dependencies to your build.gradle file

dependencies {


implementation 'com.imgarena:eventcentre:1.0.0'

Adding the library locally to the project

Copy the eventcentre.aar to the libs folder of your application:

Then include the event centre in the dependencies section of your application:

dependencies {
   implementation(name:'eventcentre', ext:'aar')


Initialising the SDK

Configuration parameters




your unique operator Id name






the version of the Event Centre



refers to the event you wish to display



specifies the module that the app should display



ISO code for the language of the translations

Golf Modularisation

The Event centre supports being initialised in seven different modular configurations, Provide the required module to the library:

Module name


All Event Centre



Leaderboard Only (no global navigation)



Leaderboard & Team/Player (no global navigation)



Course & Hole Only (no global navigation)



Hole Only (No navigation back to Course)

holeNo must be passed in initialContext, see below for more details


Groups List & Group Detail



Group Only


Sample initialisation for Golf:

var params: EventCentreParams = EventCentreParams(
    operator = "[OPERATOR-NAME]",
    sport = "golf",
    version = "latest",
    eventId = "207",
    targetModule = "full",
    language = "en"

// Optionally initialise a context
params.initialContext = mapOf(
	"view" to "GroupDetail",
	"roundNo" to "1",
	"groupNo" to "19",
	"holeNo" to "12"

Creating the Event Center instance

var imga = EventCentre(container, params )

Event Centre: Emitting Messages

The emitMessage method is available on the instance of the eventCentre, it is used to send messages to the Event Centre. Only supported message topics will be passed to the Event Centre.

fun emitMessage(topic: EventCentreMessageTopics, message: EventCentreMessage)

The EventCentreMessageTopics enumcontains the following values:

  • HANDSHAKE_FAILED: Dedicated topic to signify the handshake between Event Centre and your site failed to complete. This topic is emitted by the integration library, it should only be subscribed to, not emitted.

  • CONTEXT_UPDATE: Topic for covering general UI state updates, for example navigation changes or the user selecting a player in the UI.

  • SELECTION_UPDATE: Dedicated topic for handling user selection updates. The selected field within the message data handles both selecting and deselecting updates.

  • ERROR: Topic sent if the SDK had any problem to be initialised. This topic is emitted by the integration library, it should only be subscribed to, not emitted.

The EventCentreMessage type is an alias of a HashMap<String, Any> class. Keys must be Strings and the Values can be any type.

Updating the Context

There is a convenience method to update the context:

fun updateContext ( context: EventCentreContext) {

This method will update the context of the widget, and receives only the parameter context of type EventCentreContext. This type is a subclass of EventCentreMessage.

GOLF context params




The name of the active view


number or string

Identifier for the tournament


number or string

The round the user is currently viewing data from


number or string

The hole the user is currently viewing data from


number or string

The player's ID


number or string

The group's ID


number or string

The course's ID

Event Centre: Receiving Messages

In order to subscribe to different messages emitted by the SDK, the EventCentreListener interface must be implemented.

class TestActivity : AppCompatActivity(), EventCentreListener {

Subscribing to status changes

The SDK will send every change in its status using the following Listener method:

override fun onStatusChanged(status: EventCentreStatus) {
    Log.d("eventcentretest", "Transition to status: ${}")

    Toast.makeText(this, status.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

The EventCentreStatus enum contains the following values:

  • INITIALISING: the SDK is initialising and not fully loaded.

  • ACTIVE: the SDK is ready to interact.

  • EMITTING_MESSAGE: the SDK is emitting a message.

  • INACTIVE: the SDK is closed and can't receive any message.

Subscribing to new messages

To receive context or selection updates from the SDK, the host app must subscribe to the Listener using this method:

override fun onMessageReceived(topic: EventCentreMessageTopics, message: JSONObject) {
    Log.d("eventcentretest", "Message received: $message")
    Toast.makeText(this, message.toString(2), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

The EventCentreMessageTopics enumcontains the following values:

  • HANDSHAKE_FAILED: Dedicated topic to signify the handshake between Event Centre and your site failed to complete. This topic is emitted by the integration library, it should only be subscribed to, not emitted.

  • CONTEXT_UPDATE: Topic for covering general UI state updates, for example navigation changes or the user selecting a player in the UI.

  • SELECTION_UPDATE: Dedicated topic for handling user selection updates. The selected field within the message data handles both selecting and deselecting updates.

  • ERROR: Topic sent if the SDK had any problem to be initialised. This topic is emitted by the integration library, it should only be subscribed to, not emitted.

Stop the sdk

// Instance the sdk
var imga = EventCentre(container, params )

// Close the instance

IMGA SDK is owned and maintained by the IMGA Development team.

Last updated

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