IMGA SDK for iOS is library for iOS providing a powerful high-level webview abstractions to interact with the IMGA web app.
IMGA SDK supports multiple methods for installing the library in a project.
Installation with CocoaPods
To integrate IMGA SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:
pod 'IMGASDK', :git => '', :tag => '0.1'
IMGA SDK requires iOS 12 and xCode 12.4
Creating an instance
let imga = IMGASDK(logLevel: .debug)
Initialising the SDK (launch)
Launching the SDK with raw data
let eventCentreData:IMGAData = [
"operator": "[OPERATOR-NAME]",
"sport": "golf",
"targetModule": "full",
"eventId": "269",
"language": "en",
"version": "latest",
"initialContext" : [
"view": "GroupDetail",
"roundNo": "1",
"groupNo": "37"],
"targetElementSelector": "#img-arena-event-centre",
"options":["videoPlaybackEnabled": "false"]
//Launch with the event centre data
try? imga.launch(with: eventCentreData) { imgaView in
if let newView = imgaView {
//Do something with the imgaView
Launching the SDK with IMGAEventCentreParams object
let initialContex:IMGAData = [
"view": "GroupDetail",
"roundNo": "1",
"groupNo": "37"]
let eventCentreDataParams = IMGAEventCentreParams(operatorName: "operatorName",
sport: "sport",
version: "version",
eventId: "eventId",
language: "language",
theme: "theme",
targetModule: "targetModule",
initialContext: initialContex,
options: nil,
targetElementSelector: "targetElementSelector")
//Launch with the event centre data
try? imga.launch(with: eventCentreDataParams) { imgaView in
if let newView = imgaView {
//Do something with the imgaView
Launching the SDK and append the IMGA View to a container
let initialContex:IMGAData = [
"view": "GroupDetail",
"roundNo": "1",
"groupNo": "37"]
let eventCentreDataParams = IMGAEventCentreParams(operatorName: "operatorName",
sport: "sport",
version: "version",
eventId: "eventId",
language: "language",
theme: "theme",
targetModule: "targetModule",
initialContext: initialContex,
options: nil,
targetElementSelector: "targetElementSelector")
//Container where to add the IMGA view
let myContainer = UIView()
//Launch with the event centre data
try? imga.launch(andAddTo: myContainer, with: eventTest1)
Subscribing to status changes
//Instance the sdk
let imga = IMGASDK(logLevel: .debug)
//Subscribe to the sdk status changes
imga.onStatusChange = {status, error in
if let e = error {
print("Error on status:\(e)")
Subscribing to new messages
There are several types of messages/topics
CONTEXT_UPDATE: Topic for covering general UI state updates, for example navigation changes or the user selecting a player in the UI.
HANDSHAKE_FAILED: Topic to signify the handshake between Event Centre and your site failed to complete.
//Instance the sdk
let imga = IMGASDK(logLevel: .debug)
imga.onNewMessage = {name, message, error in
print("New Message:\(name)-\(message)")
if let e = error {
print("Error on message:\(e.description)")
Stop the SDK
//Instance the sdk
let imga = IMGASDK(logLevel: .debug)
//Stop the instance