This API provides a stream of live players, ball and referee tracking data as JSON over a WebSocket connection. Please see the below for how to connect.
Connection Protocol
This section defines how to connect to the websocket. i,e via Postman.
Submit Auth Request
Open websocket connection to the host and path for the data feed desired
Submit authentication request
a. Use the same bearer token used to access any other part of the DDE
{"authToken":"<BEARER TOKEN>"}
Successful Authentication Response
Successful authentication will return a json response
n = null or non zero value -> all messages from start of feed + all future messages
n = 0 -> all future messages ONLY
If the fixture exists then the data feed will commence
Once a fixture has been requested and accepted, any further fixture requests will be ignored. The connection must be closed and a new one opened to get a new fixture feed
Error Responses & Handling
Authentication Error Message
"message": "Authentication message had incorrect format",
"level": "ERROR"