The following provides steps on how to implement an Event Centre to a specific matchup view without navigation.
Add your unique operator ID.
Set your targetModule: "matchup" (case sensitive).
Enter the eventId, note to use the unique ID for the fightcard
Find the unique fightID that you would like to navigate to when the event centre is initially rendered, e.g. 7121
Add the initialContext which consists of "view" & "fightId"
'View' must be: "matchup" to render the fightcard in matchup view
'fightId' of a given fight.
Sample Code:
The Event Centre supports being initialised with a specific UI state. This is achieved by passing in a "Context Update" message object, when initialising the Event Centre.
The UFC Event Centre supports being initialised in 7 different modular configurations. This is done by providing the module name within the "targetModule" field.
Module name
Access to the full UFC Event Centre
single fight
Only displays the fightcard - allows no navigation
Only displays the striking view - allows no navigation
Only displays the stats view - allows no navigation
Only displays the matchup view - allows no navigation
Only displays the tape view - allows no navigation
All the tables below detail the data fields present in the message data objects that are sent and received for each message topic.
Dedicated topic to signify the handshake between Event Centre and your site failed to complete. This topic is emitted by the integration library, it should only be subscribed to, not emitted.
unix timestamp from time of failure
Topic for covering general UI state updates via the initialContext object, for example: navigating to a specific fight card or fight
Defines the view the event centre should load on. Possible values are fightcard / Fight / striking / stats / tape / matchup
Event ID as defined by the DDE.
Fight ID as defined by DDE. Available for view = fight/ striking / stats / tape / matchup
To embed the full UFC Event Centre, you must specify the following fields specific to your build.
your unique operator Id name
Event Id of the fight card
The version of UFC Event Centre.
default = light version
"light" = light version
"dark" = dark version
'targetModule' specifies whether the app should display the full fight card, single fight, fightcard, striking, matchup, stats or tape.
'eventId' refers to the UFC fightcard/event that you wish to display.
The following provides steps on how to implement an Event Centre to a specific striking view without navigation.
Add your unique operator ID.
Set your targetModule: "striking" (case sensitive).
Enter the eventId, note to use the unique ID for the fightcard
Find the unique fightID that you would like to navigate to when the event centre is initially rendered, e.g. 7121
Add the initialContext which consists of "view" & "fightId"
'View' must be: "striking" to render the fightcard in striking view
'fightId' of a given fight.
Sample Code:
The following provides steps on how to implement an Event Centre to a specific tape view without navigation.
Add your unique operator ID.
Set your targetModule: "stats" (case sensitive).
Enter the eventId, note to use the unique ID for the fightcard
Find the unique fightID that you would like to navigate to when the event centre is initially rendered, e.g. 7121
Add the initialContext which consists of "view" & "fightId"
'View' must be: "stats" to render the fightcard in stats view
'fightId' of a given fight.
Sample Code:
The following provides steps to embed just the fight card without navigation.
The following provides steps on how to implement an Event Centre to a specific tape view without navigation.
Add your unique operator ID.
Set your targetModule: "tape" (case sensitive).
Enter the eventId, note to use the unique ID for the fightcard
Find the unique fightID that you would like to navigate to when the event centre is initially rendered, e.g. 7121
Add the initialContext which consists of "view" & "fightId"
'View' must be: "tape" to render the fightcard in tape view
'fightId' of a given fight.
Sample Code:
The following provides steps on how to implement an Event Centre with all features.
The following provides steps on how to implement an Event Centre to a specific fight with or without navigation.
Add your unique operator ID name.
Set targetModule: "iframe".
Enter the eventId, note to use the unique ID for the fightcard, i.e UFC FIGHT NIGHT, event ID is "707".
Find the unique fightID that you would like to navigate to when the event centre is initially loaded, i.e on this instance fightID is "6667"
Add the initialContext which consists of "fightId"
'View' must be: "Fight" to allow navigation to full fight card
'fightId' of a given fight.
Sample code:
Note that if you do not want to allow navigation and want to limit view just for a particular fight, this can be done by passing "targetModule:" as "fight".
Note that there is no back button on the above event centre.
sample code: