This section describes the steps required and options for integration of the BetBuilder Widget UI.
Main Component of the Workflow
Bookmaker Web Page
Operator web site that hosts the BetBuilder Widget.
BetBuilder Widget
The BetBuilder Widget UI which is present via an iFrame and hosted on Sportcast servers.
Bookmaker BetSlip
Customer controlled BetSlip that will display the market/bet created by the BetBuilder Widget and allow the end user to set stake and place the bet.
BetBuilder Engine
BetBuilder Pricing Engine and API which is the main Sportcast hosted server-side component.
Bookmaker Back-end
This represents that bookmaker platform or back-end where markets are created, and bets are processed.
Messaging and Communication Between Components
1. Widget load and initialization
BetBuilder Widget initialization and load is controlled via URL parameters:
· Key: Operator access key.
· FixtureId or ConsumerFixtureId: If the FixtureId property is specified then the Sportcast fixtureId is used to load that appropriate fixture. Alternatively, an operator can map their own fixtureId, called the ConsumerFixtureId.
· Culture: Controls the language translation that is applied. Example “es-ES” for Spanish.
· Brand: An operator can have different style sheets which are loaded based on the Brand parameter.
· Region: An operator can specify different regions which allows BetBuilder to display different market sets.
2. BetSlip saved
Once a user has built a bet using the BetBuilder Widget and confirmed it by pressing the “Add to BetSlip” button, a message containing the slip details is sent to the BetBuilder Engine. This step requires no operator configuration.
3. Bet Response message: Bet details passed to bookmaker back-end
Typically, the customer provides a secured HTTPS end point where the BetBuilder Engine pushes a response to the bet placement. Example JSON:
The properties of this message are:
· BetSlipUid: Unique identifier of the BetSlip send in the Bet Response message.
· MarketId: Bookmaker platform Id of the market created. (Optional)
· HttpCode: Code of any error to occur. (Optional)
· ErrorMessage: Description of any error. (Optional)
· Identifier: The unique identifier hash string of the BetSlip from the Bet Response message.
· ConsumerFIxtureId: The fixtureId of the BetSlip.
· TimeStamp: DateTime the message was sent.
· BetBuilderData: Details of the bet selections made and price values that are returned.
End Point:
4A. Bookmaker BetSlip population (Optional)
The bookmaker platform/back-end will typically persist the market and bet that is received in point 3. At this time, one possible workflow is for the bookmaker platform to pass this information onto the bookmaker BetSlip. (This task can also be performed using client-side messaging).
4B. Bet Feedback message: Bookmaker passes bet receipt back to BetBuilder
The bookmaker platform must inform the BetBuilder Engine that the Bet Response message has been received and processed. Without this step, the bettor will receive an error message saying their betslip could not be saved. The fields that are passed back here can be customised to meet bookmaker requirements. Example JSON:
4C. Bet Confirmation message: Bookmaker passes bet placement details back to BetBuilder
After a customer places a bet in the bookmaker system, the bookmaker platform can send details of this confirmed bet back to the BetBuilder Engine. This can help the Sportcast trading team assist with risk management. Example JSON:
5. BetBuilder Engine passes the BetBuilder Widget the Bet Feedback message received in point 4B
This allows the BetBuilder Widget to react to a bet successfully progressing to the bookmaker BetSlip. The information in the Bet Feedback message can be bubbled up to the bookmaker website.
6. BetBuilder Widget bubbles up message to host website (Optional)
The BetBuilder widget bubbles up a message through the bookmakers hosting iFrame after having received the Bet Feedback confirmation relayed via the BetBuilder Engine. Typically, this message presents the same fields that are returned from the bookmaker platform in 4B. This option presents a client-side mechanism for updating the bookmaker BetSlip. Example JSON: