SportCast recommends using PUSH messaging, to determine fixture status and availability.
Clients should open up a secure https URL endpoint that SportCast can push JSON messages to. These messages include information about whether a fixture is live and open for betting or not, as well as a series of additional informational fields that will assist with fixture mapping.
In the Fixture Update message, SportCast can provide several 'out-of-the-box' solutions for fixture mapping purposes. Industry-standard fixture IDs can be added, to allow for quick and easy pairing on the client side. These include:
BetGenius ID
BetRadar ID
BetFair ID
SportCast can also open up a custom API endpoint for clients to map their own IDs, which can then be sent back to the client in all subsequent messaging.
Fixture Update messages are sent every time the MatchState of a fixture is changed. This allows clients to quickly add or remove a fixture from betting:
"MatchState": 1, = Disabled
"MatchState": 2, = Enabled
An example Fixture Update message is seen below: