This page describes all parameters related to live soccer match statistics.
This page details some FAQ regarding our data collection process of certain actions
The following section covers our upcoming approach on pagination. Please read carefully as this will impact your implementation from 31st July 2023
As we expand upon our Official Data Coverage across sports at IMG, we want our REST APIs to be as efficient and functional as they can be and as a result, we will be supporting pagination within our Seasons, Fixtures and Squads REST API. When you have a paginated API, it means that the results are split into separate pages, and users need to make multiple requests to get all the results. Each request retrieves a portion of the total results, and includes information about which page of results is being returned.
To consume this type of API and iterate over all the results, you can use a loop to make requests for each page of results. You start by making a request for the first page of results, and extract the data from that page. Then, you check to see if there are more pages of results to fetch. If there are, you make another request for the next page of results and repeat the process until you have retrieved all the results.
Once you have retrieved all the results, you can use them however you like, such as displaying them on a webpage or performing some sort of analysis on them.
From a technical point of view, here is a step by step guide
Make an initial request to the API to get the first page of results using paged=true in the header (the default page return will be 20). For best results, please be sensible when using the page size parameter
Extract the results from the response, and check if there are more pages to fetch. This can be done by checking the pageable metadata in the response, which includes the total number of pages and the current page number.
If there are more pages to fetch, make subsequent requests to the API by incrementing the page number in the query parameters. For example, to fetch the next page, set page=1. Worth noting that page index starts at 0.
Concatenate the results from all the pages into a single list.
Important Info and benefits:
If you run requests the same as before you will get the same behaviour (meaning getting the collection directly, not restricted to some page size). Downside here is that you have a lot of results, it can take time, and if you have a huge volume of results, if can either not work at all, or be truncated
If you run your requests with the header paged=true; you get a subset of your results, restricted to the number of entries of a page (default: 20, but you can choose in the request). Benefit here is that it is faster and reliable.
The endgame for IMGA is to get rid of the current method and return paginated results. Once the switch is done – the header value will be ignored, we’ll just be returning pages.
From 31st July 2023, (given there are only 2 matches on that day finishing at ~03:00), we are aiming to get all users migrated over to using paged=true and the current way will no longer be supported.
At present, pagination is not supported within the /actions or /statistics (not applicable), https REST API calls but we will work towards adding that to /actions and communicate in due course.
** Please be aware, the API will only return paginated results from the date specified below. We advise to add “paged=false” as soon as possible so that when we swop the default response over to paged, you won’t be caught off guard. Note this is only relevant for Soccer/Basketball/Volleyball (FIVB) & Snooker.
This comprehensive guide provides information on our consumer-facing APIs and WebSockets, enabling seamless connections between our clients and us.
To start, you can head to the following few sections. It offers a step-by-step walkthrough on utilising our REST APIs and WebSocket endpoints. You'll find detailed query parameter explanations, payload examples, responses, and various action types.
If you encounter any issues or require assistance, our dedicated support team is here to help. Feel free to reach out to them at support@openbet.com. We're committed to ensuring a smooth and successful experience for you.
Once again, welcome to the technical documentation, and we look forward to assisting you on your journey!
The REST API follows standard REST patterns.
Applications can manage resources (seasons, fixtures, and player items) through HTTPS requests to corresponding URLs. For details on resources and operations, see the API Reference.
Authentication: To access resources in your account, use an access token provided by the support team. Application credentials are required for production and simulation environments and cannot be shared publicly.
Our REST API and WebSocket endpoints are only tailored for B2B use. Using our data to connect directly with the DDE is prohibited. This helps ensure data integrity and security. If you have integration needs, we can discuss proceeding within our guidelines. Please feel free to reach out with any questions to support@openbet.com.
Making API Calls: To perform operations on a resource, send an HTTPS request with the resource URL, appropriate headers (including the access token), method, request body, and query parameters.
Example cURL command:
curl https://dde-api.data.imgarena.com/basketball/seasons \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Resource URL: Access resources using their URLs, which differ for production and simulation environments. For Production: https://dde-api.data.imgarena.com
, and for Simulation: https://dde-api-sims.data.imgarena.com
HTTP Methods: Specify the HTTP method in the request for actions on resources:
GET: Read or list resources
POST: Create resources
PUT: Update resources
DELETE: Delete resources
Headers and query parameters: Use HTTP headers and query parameters to provide additional information about the call, such as authorization and data format or for sorting, filtering, or paging in list operations. For example:. For example:
curl 'https://dde-api.data.imgarena.com/basketball/fixtures?status=Completed&type=Official' \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Response Handling: API calls return JSON objects with requested resources or an errors list. Success responses have an HTTP 200 status code, while errors have non-200 status codes.
For operations on a single object, the response contains a JSON object with the type of resource (e.g., season, fixture).
For list and search operations, the response includes a named array of objects (e.g., seasons) and a cursor value for pagination.
Ensure to check for the cursor value in list and search operations to retrieve all items.
For more information on handling errors, refer to the documentation on error handling.
In our REST API, every action packet undergoes an enrichment process where the player and team names are appended. However, our system will log a warning if the player or team associated with a specific fixture is not found within the enrichment packet. The warning will either state "Unknown player code: …"
or "Unknown team code: …"
depending on the missing element. In such cases, the system will substitute an empty string (""
) instead of the actual name
. This ensures that users are alerted to any discrepancies while maintaining the integrity of the data packet structure.
When making public data requests, you may encounter the following error messages. It's important to familiarize yourself with these potential errors to ensure smooth and effective integration with our API.
Supplied token could not be authenticated: Description: This error message indicates that the token provided for authentication could not be verified. Example payload:
{ "errorMessage": "Supplied token could not be authenticated" }
Please note that general error messages follow a consistent structure to facilitate easy identification and troubleshooting.
By understanding these error messages, you can effectively handle and address any issues that may arise during your API calls. If you have further questions or require assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
This section provides details and descriptions of the values in the actions payload for betting customers.
The Live Actions websocket offers a live 'stream' of team and player actions during a match. It is primarily used by clients integrating data for live betting markets. Updates will be received whenever a key action is completed, and this websocket is essential for live scores and match actions. To connect to this websocket endpoint, the provided authentication token is required. Heartbeats are sent from this endpoint between data packets to indicate a continuous connection.
The supplied authentication is invalid
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
We don't look at the header for websockets. Instead we expect the client to push through that auth message immediately on connecting in the following format:
{"authToken": "ACCESS_TOKEN"}
IMG Arena monitors customer traffic to ensure it follows guidelines and isn't excessive. We recommend a request rate of 5 per second and encourage staying connected to websockets instead of repeated re-connections.
Two optional parameters are in common with these WebSocket endpoints:
- this can be “fast” or “normal”. The default is normal and only applicable for offline matches.
: integer value, default is 0. This is how many events to skip from the beginning of the list. e.g. five would start sending events from the 5th event received for that WebSockte. This is a helpful feature if you want to continue without getting all the events again from the beginning when you reconnect.
A unique name for the requested sport. Example: basketball
, soccer
, v2/volleyball
, snooker
Unique id of a requested fixture.
Detailed player action details within a match
The API client needs to request a Bearer authentication token from the support team at support@openbet.com to connect to WebSockets endpoints. The token should be used immediately after a connection request. Once a connection to a WebSockets API message is established, the token remains valid indefinitely.
Do not reveal your access tokens publicly - they are secret!
"authToken": "eYCMopB1T9ACqA8TVIoM"
The FastPath Schedule API enables you to get information about seasons, fixtures, squads and actions within a specific fixture. It gives you statistical information, too.
Our API Reference is organized around core betting workflows: listing all seasons, managing fixtures, getting squads, and listing actions. This API is mainly used by betting and media customers.
The FastPath API follows the general patterns of .
The WebSocket API provides a powerful technology for establishing two-way interactive communication between users and the FastPath server.
It enables real-time sports betting and media data updates and eliminates the need for polling the server for responses. WebSockets utilize a bidirectional protocol, offering the fastest real-time data transmission for building real-time sports betting and media applications. The following message types require authentication, and data availability depends on the user's subscription license.
Messages sent and received via WebSockets are encoded in JSON format.
Decimal fields, including timestamps, are quoted to preserve precision.
At least one message should be subscribed to in order to maintain an authenticated client connection.
Use the Fixtures REST API endpoints to fetch the list of fixtures that can be subscribed via the WebSockets API. The 'id' field provides the supported fixture ID for subscription.
Our REST API and WebSocket endpoints are only tailored for B2B use. Using our data to connect directly with the DDE is prohibited. This helps ensure data integrity and security. If you have integration needs, we can discuss proceeding within our guidelines. Please feel free to reach out with any questions to support@openbet.com.
Authentication Refer to the Access Tokens documentation for detailed information.
Sequence Numbers FastPath feeds include sequence numbers ("fixtureSeqNum") in their messages. These numbers are monotonically increasing integers starting from 1 and operate on a per-connection and per-feed basis. They help clients identify if they are dropping messages, receiving messages out of order, or processing messages differently from the server's order.
Connection Status WebSockets enable real-time communication between clients and servers. However, disconnections can occur due to various reasons such as network issues, server unavailability, or client-side errors. The URL for the production environment is
When a WebSocket connection is disconnected, sending and receiving messages from the server becomes impossible. To handle this, a mechanism is implemented to detect and manage disconnections. This includes using heartbeats to detect disconnections, implementing automatic reconnection, and displaying warning messages to the user.
If there are any connection issues with the data collection network, IMG sends connection status packets in WebSocket feeds to indicate that the upstream provider is not sending data. These packets do not contain sequence numbers. Here is a sample format of the expected status packet:
"eventElementType": "ConnectionStateChanged",
"state": "Connected",
"timestamp": "2023-02-24T09:47:57.624698Z"
Valid state values are:
The Connected status is sent when a packet is received and the previous state was Disconnected. The status change is delivered before the packet.
The Disconnected status is sent if no packets (including heartbeats) have been received for a known feed. A feed is considered known if any data has been received from it, including heartbeats. The system checks for feed disconnection every 10 seconds and marks it as Disconnected if no data has been received within the last 30 seconds.
For example, if a packet is received at 5 seconds and no further packets are received, the feed will be marked as disconnected at 40 seconds. This is the first 10-second interval in which at least 30 seconds have passed since receiving the packet.
Note that connection statuses are deduplicated to avoid sending redundant ConnectionStateChanged events unless the new state is different from the previous state.
During a suspension, the collection status is updated manually by the supervisor when the scorer goes offline. However, the scorer continues to collect data locally, which is sent to the server upon reconnection. Users will receive all missing actions upon the scorer's reconnection.
For more information on error handling, please refer to the documentation.
List of team and player actions within a match, including information for scores, penalties and more.
The Actions API lets developers list and manage player actions.
It returns all match action packets in a single URL call (which are typically delivered in the 'Live Actions' websocket). Crucially these match action packets are delivered in the API call at the end of the fixture.
The data contained will include all team and player actions happening within a match.
Retrieves a list of player actions
unique id of a requested fixture
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 0,
"actionId": "2e4a8391-1413-4237-9549-32b550e806cb",
"metadata": {
"awayTeamColour": "255, 242, 0",
"homeTeamColour": "0, 38, 255"
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "00:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:32:49.914282Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 1,
"timelineSequence": 1.0E-16,
"fixtureActionType": "Team Colours",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 2
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [],
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Scheduled",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 0,
"actionId": "6af2a7f3-866d-4ac1-acf5-47770f57c324",
"metadata": {
"pitchConditions": {
"quality": 2,
"surface": 2
"weatherConditions": {
"rain": 0,
"wind": 0,
"temperature": 2
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "00:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:32:58.613092Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 2,
"timelineSequence": 2.0E-16,
"fixtureActionType": "Match Conditions",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 1
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [],
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Scheduled",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 0,
"actionId": "f72a0a93-699d-4825-891e-6bcff47ce22e",
"metadata": {
"latitude": 43.358986,
"longitude": 19.358965
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "00:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T10:33:06.013523Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 3,
"timelineSequence": 3.0E-16,
"fixtureActionType": "Device Location",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 19
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [],
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Scheduled",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"team": {
"id": "02ed1f32-385f-4e0f-b78f-390a498d34af",
"name": "Rudar"
"period": 0,
"actionId": "5c8c565c-9ab2-4bbf-a1eb-600ef48d33a7",
"metadata": {
"teamId": "02ed1f32-385f-4e0f-b78f-390a498d34af",
"substitutes": [
"id": "d2036fff-aeee-4702-94e4-1dfd123cabb0",
"fullName": "Pavle Brajkovic",
"lastName": "Brajkovic",
"firstName": "Pavle",
"shirtNumber": "14"
"id": "bae0ee19-06de-4e3b-a7e0-b4c88426b188",
"fullName": "Stefan Tanjevic",
"lastName": "Tanjevic",
"firstName": "Stefan",
"shirtNumber": "12"
"id": "f6540429-82d0-4af0-a00b-d4fd4ada0015",
"fullName": "Mitar Vranes",
"lastName": "Vranes",
"firstName": "Mitar",
"shirtNumber": "7"
"id": "8069a0ec-64e8-4a66-8037-98f847d4794b",
"fullName": "Luka Subaric",
"lastName": "Subaric",
"firstName": "Luka",
"shirtNumber": "4"
"id": "b8a14c88-e899-4b4f-91e6-934437579a50",
"fullName": "Janko Petrovic",
"lastName": "Petrovic",
"firstName": "Janko",
"shirtNumber": "8"
"id": "5a55e905-5721-4cba-803e-f5e7717b0ecc",
"fullName": "Petar Vojinovic",
"lastName": "Vojinovic",
"firstName": "Petar",
"shirtNumber": "15"
"id": "6187e8a7-7af6-472f-b35d-7973ea7b0ff7",
"fullName": "Sinisa Terzic",
"lastName": "Terzic",
"firstName": "Sinisa",
"shirtNumber": "10"
"startingLineup": [
"id": "3cb4b214-6cdc-4895-8fae-234b19f0b889",
"fullName": "Vladimir Starovlah",
"lastName": "Starovlah",
"firstName": "Vladimir",
"shirtNumber": "16"
"id": "4b6fe5e8-5f0a-4f59-bdef-f5ff54bce28d",
"fullName": "Dejan Dzakovic",
"lastName": "Dzakovic",
"firstName": "Dejan",
"shirtNumber": "11"
"id": "a151a91d-f2cf-44a6-8b09-50032e8f1d53",
"fullName": "NIkola Cupara",
"lastName": "Cupara",
"firstName": "NIkola",
"shirtNumber": "9"
"id": "d7962172-4189-4389-875f-8c704ec07dec",
"fullName": "Andrija Starcevic",
"lastName": "Starcevic",
"firstName": "Andrija",
"shirtNumber": "5"
"id": "48227027-9765-4336-9998-6f4fd9ecc300",
"fullName": "Danilo Subaric",
"lastName": "Subaric",
"firstName": "Danilo",
"shirtNumber": "13"
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "00:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T11:23:39.227535Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 4,
"timelineSequence": 4.0E-16,
"fixtureActionType": "Lineups",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 3
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [],
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "LineUps",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"team": {
"id": "b86946a8-90a6-42ce-be64-79984b085bf2",
"name": "Podgorica II"
"period": 0,
"actionId": "65f4dab0-9107-4800-b531-e6e26360e69a",
"metadata": {
"teamId": "b86946a8-90a6-42ce-be64-79984b085bf2",
"substitutes": [
"id": "bb9fddcb-a53f-4e1d-98fb-cbeddbd85e5b",
"fullName": "Boris Perucica",
"lastName": "Perucica",
"firstName": "Boris",
"shirtNumber": "13"
"id": "d5e7086b-bf37-4609-a504-558f105ac17c",
"fullName": "Petar Pinter",
"lastName": "Pinter",
"firstName": "Petar",
"shirtNumber": "15"
"id": "03397d8d-9e82-4173-a18c-44fb5e644238",
"fullName": "Lazar Mirotic",
"lastName": "Mirotic",
"firstName": "Lazar",
"shirtNumber": "5"
"id": "2b8e5aa3-aae4-4845-9460-1ac598526291",
"fullName": "Petar Radonjić",
"lastName": "Radonjić",
"firstName": "Petar",
"shirtNumber": "1"
"id": "f788e49e-a277-401b-b212-69dd93d25b95",
"fullName": "Aljosa Draskovic",
"lastName": "Draskovic",
"firstName": "Aljosa",
"shirtNumber": "0"
"id": "a0b1d33e-6ffe-4e91-8b65-da561558a349",
"fullName": " Jevric",
"lastName": "Jevric",
"firstName": null,
"shirtNumber": "6"
"id": "1e33f7b8-b43c-485f-89f3-f1d9f741fbe2",
"fullName": "Aleksa Janicic",
"lastName": "Janicic",
"firstName": "Aleksa",
"shirtNumber": "3"
"startingLineup": [
"id": "9bb6ed80-9022-4bc1-8ef2-b2f9c0b56971",
"fullName": "Marko Radunović",
"lastName": "Radunović",
"firstName": "Marko",
"shirtNumber": "8"
"id": "c96fd964-14d2-46d6-9f3e-51a3113e891f",
"fullName": "Petar Strugar",
"lastName": "Strugar",
"firstName": "Petar",
"shirtNumber": "4"
"id": "c038ff22-be9e-49fc-a670-3ef064003cda",
"fullName": "Amar Hot",
"lastName": "Hot",
"firstName": "Amar",
"shirtNumber": "7"
"id": "b1514269-cb62-42a1-a47f-c0fbf4a2e852",
"fullName": "Andrija Sutovic",
"lastName": "Sutovic",
"firstName": "Andrija",
"shirtNumber": "2"
"id": "9fc6b884-c566-4629-9665-01d59fe80d89",
"fullName": "Lazar Vukčević",
"lastName": "Vukčević",
"firstName": "Lazar",
"shirtNumber": "14"
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "00:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T11:23:39.227607Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 5,
"timelineSequence": 5.0E-16,
"fixtureActionType": "Lineups",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 3
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [],
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "LineUps",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 0,
"actionId": "388ccebd-9832-4dd3-9f83-59c6e3cea19c",
"metadata": {
"awayTeamColour": "0, 145, 255",
"homeTeamColour": "22, 80, 13"
"sendType": "Updated",
"clockTime": "00:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T11:24:17.264608Z",
"sendTypeId": 2,
"fixtureSeqNum": 6,
"timelineSequence": 6.0E-16,
"fixtureActionType": "Team Colours",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 2
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [],
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "LineUps",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": true,
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 0,
"actionId": "5c6bf0ad-2124-77b6-853b-66f27abed59d",
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "00:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T13:17:06.905002Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 1535,
"timelineSequence": 1.535E-13,
"fixtureActionType": "Post Match Check Complete",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 21
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"id": 1,
"end": "2022-11-06T11:53:57",
"type": "Regular",
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2022-11-06T11:34:56",
"awayTeamScore": 15,
"homeTeamScore": 16,
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 15,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 16
"id": 2,
"end": "2022-11-06T12:22:35",
"type": "Regular",
"label": "2nd quarter",
"start": "2022-11-06T11:56:16",
"awayTeamScore": 34,
"homeTeamScore": 35,
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 19,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 19
"id": 3,
"end": "2022-11-06T12:57:43",
"type": "Regular",
"label": "3rd quarter",
"start": "2022-11-06T12:37:22",
"awayTeamScore": 60,
"homeTeamScore": 52,
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 26,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 17
"id": 4,
"end": "2022-11-06T13:15:41",
"type": "Regular",
"label": "4th quarter",
"start": "2022-11-06T12:58:18",
"awayTeamScore": 80,
"homeTeamScore": 66,
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 20,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 14
"awayTeamScore": 80,
"currentPeriod": 4,
"currentStatus": "Completed",
"homeTeamScore": 66,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 1,
"actionId": "cced72d5-fe44-46c2-b39f-6a69f0e772cd",
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "10:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T11:34:56.501369Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 7,
"timelineSequence": 1.0000000000000007,
"fixtureActionType": "Start Fixture",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 4
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [],
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "LineUps",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 1,
"actionId": "20501081-3f7b-48b8-a48e-16bbff2fffbb",
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "10:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T11:34:56.501441Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 8,
"timelineSequence": 1.0000000000000009,
"fixtureActionType": "Start Period",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 6
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [
"id": 1,
"end": null,
"type": "Regular",
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2022-11-06T11:34:56",
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 0,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 0
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "10:00"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 1,
"actionId": "d32de188-643c-4095-ad1e-8934ad62356c",
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "10:00",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T11:34:56.501443Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 9,
"timelineSequence": 1.0000000000000009,
"fixtureActionType": "Start Clock",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 8
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [
"id": 1,
"end": null,
"type": "Regular",
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2022-11-06T11:34:56",
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 0,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 0
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "09:59"
"version": 2,
"finished": false,
"fixtureAction": {
"team": {
"id": "02ed1f32-385f-4e0f-b78f-390a498d34af",
"name": "Rudar"
"period": 1,
"player": {
"id": "4b6fe5e8-5f0a-4f59-bdef-f5ff54bce28d",
"name": "Dejan Dzakovic"
"actionId": "01693124-3b3c-4c34-8606-551ce33cac9f",
"metadata": {
"courtPosition": {
"x": -221.0,
"y": 370.0,
"zone": "AboveTheBreak3"
"sendType": "Pending",
"clockTime": "09:44",
"fixtureId": "acf80323-ccb3-4828-a7dc-63f21b529b62",
"timestamp": "2022-11-06T11:35:12.527233Z",
"sendTypeId": 1,
"fixtureSeqNum": 10,
"timelineSequence": 1.000000015610556,
"fixtureActionType": "3PT Shot",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 233
"fixtureSummary": {
"isTied": true,
"periods": [
"id": 1,
"end": null,
"type": "Regular",
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2022-11-06T11:34:56",
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 0,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 0
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"homeTeamScore": 0,
"currentClockTime": "09:44"
The requested list of actions.
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times - once post match.
This section provides details and descriptions of the values in the actions payload for media customers.
The Live Actions websocket offers a live 'stream' of team and player actions during a match. It is primarily used by clients integrating data for live media markets. Updates will be received whenever a key action is completed, and this websocket is essential for live scores and match actions. To connect to this websocket endpoint, the provided authentication token is required. Heartbeats are sent from this endpoint between data packets to indicate a continuous connection.
The supplied authentication is invalid
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
We don't look at the header for websockets. Instead we expect the client to push through that auth message immediately on connecting in the following format.
{"authToken": "ACCESS_TOKEN"}
IMG Arena monitors customer traffic to ensure it follows guidelines and isn't excessive. We recommend a request rate of 5 per second and encourage staying connected to websockets instead of repeated re-connections.
Two optional parameters are in common with these WebSocket endpoints:
- this can be “fast” or “normal”. The default is normal and only applicable for offline matches.
: integer value, default is 0. This is how many events to skip from the beginning of the list. e.g. five would start sending events from the 5th event received for that WebSockte. This is a helpful feature if you want to continue without getting all the events again from the beginning when you reconnect.
List all fixtures.
The Fixtures API lets developers list and manage competition fixtures of a specific season for which a client is licensed. This is a gateway into the Actions API and allows clients to determine which fixtures are live and available.
Applications don't need any input to list all fixtures, however information can be filtered by start date and end date among others. fixtures for which a client is licensed.
Per each competition, the endpoints will return the following information:
Name of the competition
Fixture date and kick-off time
Home and Away team (with IDs)
Stage/Round/Group information
Status (scheduled, live, completed, postponed)
Retrieves a list of seasons for a specific sport.
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
"id": "2ffbf044-db53-43ea-9898-a43868ca014d",
"name": "BC Lietkabelis Panevezys v Jonava BC Cbet",
"status": "Scheduled",
"type": "Official",
"coverageLevel": "In Venue",
"startDateUTC": "2023-01-07T15:00:00",
"teams": [
"id": "f14fd931-a113-4a0b-9c5c-532057c96301",
"name": "Jonava BC Cbet",
"club": {
"id": "b6c236e8-b9df-4a65-ae01-932864572b93",
"name": "JONAVA BC CBET"
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"homeTeam": false
"id": "b184558c-d9dd-4ada-898d-520b3d387622",
"name": "BC Lietkabelis Panevezys",
"club": {
"id": "bda8ed69-da63-434e-8b79-a20980f32c2e",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"homeTeam": true
"stage": {
"id": "96afe2dd-58e7-435d-a9f9-999d64ec8b86",
"name": "Regular round",
"season": {
"id": "7ac2140e-dd57-404a-bc3a-54d7fcd97343",
"name": "Season 2022/2023",
"startDateUTC": "2022-09-24T12:00:00",
"endDateUTC": "2023-05-31T12:00:00",
"competition": {
"id": "5c50bf20-7b5e-4d19-b2fe-aa1d20a042b2",
"name": "Lithuania LKL",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"tour": {
"id": 45,
"name": "Lithuanian Basketball Federation (LKF)"
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"startDateUTC": "2022-09-24T12:00:00",
"endDateUTC": "2023-05-31T12:00:00"
"venue": {
"id": "7d30af55-89e2-4b50-a107-db133dcb3730",
"name": "Cido Arena",
"location": {
"name": "Panevezys",
"country": {
"name": "Lithuania"
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"fixtureDeleted": false
"id": "2ffbf044-db53-43ea-9898-a43868ca014d",
"name": "BC Lietkabelis Panevezys v Jonava BC Cbet",
"status": "Scheduled",
"type": "Official",
"coverageLevel": "In Venue",
"startDateUTC": "2023-01-07T15:00:00",
"teams": [
"id": "f14fd931-a113-4a0b-9c5c-532057c96301",
"name": "Jonava BC Cbet",
"club": {
"id": "b6c236e8-b9df-4a65-ae01-932864572b93",
"name": "JONAVA BC CBET"
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"homeTeam": false
"id": "b184558c-d9dd-4ada-898d-520b3d387622",
"name": "BC Lietkabelis Panevezys",
"club": {
"id": "bda8ed69-da63-434e-8b79-a20980f32c2e",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"homeTeam": true
"stage": {
"id": "96afe2dd-58e7-435d-a9f9-999d64ec8b86",
"name": "Regular round",
"season": {
"id": "7ac2140e-dd57-404a-bc3a-54d7fcd97343",
"name": "Season 2022/2023",
"startDateUTC": "2022-09-24T12:00:00",
"endDateUTC": "2023-05-31T12:00:00",
"competition": {
"id": "5c50bf20-7b5e-4d19-b2fe-aa1d20a042b2",
"name": "Lithuania LKL",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"tour": {
"id": 45,
"name": "Lithuanian Basketball Federation (LKF)"
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"startDateUTC": "2022-09-24T12:00:00",
"endDateUTC": "2023-05-31T12:00:00"
"venue": {
"id": "7d30af55-89e2-4b50-a107-db133dcb3730",
"name": "Cido Arena",
"location": {
"name": "Panevezys",
"country": {
"name": "Lithuania"
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"fixtureDeleted": false
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
"id": "2ffbf044-db53-43ea-9898-a43868ca014d",
"name": "BC Lietkabelis Panevezys v Jonava BC Cbet",
"status": "Scheduled",
"type": "Official",
"coverageLevel": "In Venue",
"startDateUTC": "2023-01-07T15:00:00",
"teams": [
"id": "f14fd931-a113-4a0b-9c5c-532057c96301",
"name": "Jonava BC Cbet",
"club": {
"id": "b6c236e8-b9df-4a65-ae01-932864572b93",
"name": "JONAVA BC CBET"
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"homeTeam": false
"id": "b184558c-d9dd-4ada-898d-520b3d387622",
"name": "BC Lietkabelis Panevezys",
"club": {
"id": "bda8ed69-da63-434e-8b79-a20980f32c2e",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"homeTeam": true
"stage": {
"id": "96afe2dd-58e7-435d-a9f9-999d64ec8b86",
"name": "Regular round",
"season": {
"id": "7ac2140e-dd57-404a-bc3a-54d7fcd97343",
"name": "Season 2022/2023",
"startDateUTC": "2022-09-24T12:00:00",
"endDateUTC": "2023-05-31T12:00:00",
"competition": {
"id": "5c50bf20-7b5e-4d19-b2fe-aa1d20a042b2",
"name": "Lithuania LKL",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"tour": {
"id": 45,
"name": "Lithuanian Basketball Federation (LKF)"
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"startDateUTC": "2022-09-24T12:00:00",
"endDateUTC": "2023-05-31T12:00:00"
"venue": {
"id": "7d30af55-89e2-4b50-a107-db133dcb3730",
"name": "Cido Arena",
"location": {
"name": "Panevezys",
"country": {
"name": "Lithuania"
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"fixtureDeleted": false
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
Although not real-time, API polling involves the repetitive transmission of client requests to an endpoint for the purpose of identifying changes in information. To maintain optimal performance for all customers, our API implements rate limits.We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times.
We kindly request your thorough perusal of this section in order to familiarize yourself with forthcoming alterations scheduled for implementation on the 31st of July, 2023.
These modifications, primarily encompassing the introduction of supplementary parameters, are anticipated to be of a straightforward nature and aim to enhance the query efficiency of our Fixtures API, thereby affording you considerable advantages.
In some cases, fixtures may be deleted. To manage this, each fixture includes a "fixtureDeleted" flag. By default, this flag is set to "false." If the flag is set to "true," it indicates that the fixture has been deleted and should be disregarded.
Please find the following link to the page.
A unique name for the requested sport. Example: basketball
, soccer
, v2/volleyball
, snooker
Unique id of a requested fixture.
Detailed player action details within a match
Allows users to determine which fixtures are live and available based on a user's licence. Example: true
, false
Allows clients to filter based on the status of a match or group of matches. Example: scheduled
, live
, completed
, postponed
Allows clients to filter between specific dates. Example: 2023-01-01
Allows clients to filter between specific dates. Example: 2023-01-01
Allows clients to filter based on the type of a match or group of matches. Example: official
, simulation
, training
The coverage level of a fixture. Examples: noCoverage
, inVenue
, lowLatencyStream
, standardStre
am & video(postmatch)
Assortment of the data within the fixtures API. We currently support name
, asc
, desc
and startTime
Sort should be supplied in the form `sort=<field>,<direction>` where direction defaults to `asc` if not supplied.
If wanting to sort by multiple fields then the sort parameter should be supplied for each field in the order the sort is desired.
Default sort order is by startTime and name.
The page size. Default is 20 fixtures. Please be sensible specifying the size to ensure the most efficient results and API performance
The page number
Pass "false" to exclude deleted fixtures from the response.
By default, this value is set to "true," meaning deleted fixtures will be included in the response.
unique id of a requested season
Allows users to determine which fixtures are live and available based on a user's licence. Example: true
, false
Allows clients to filter based on the status of a match or group of matches. Example: scheduled
, live
, completed
, postponed
Allows clients to filter between specific dates. Example: 2023-01-01
Allows clients to filter between specific dates. Example: 2023-01-01
Allows clients to filter based on the type of a match or group of matches. Example: official
, simulation
, training
Assortment of the data within the fixtures API. We currently support name
, asc
, desc
and startTime
Sort should be supplied in the form `sort=<field>,<direction>` where direction defaults to `asc` if not supplied.
If wanting to sort by multiple fields then the sort parameter should be supplied for each field in the order the sort is desired.
Default sort order is by startTime and name.
The page size. Default is 20 fixtures. Please be sensible specifying the size to ensure the most efficient results and API performance
The page number
The coverage level of a fixture. Examples: noCoverage
, inVenue
, lowLatencyStream
, standardStre
am & video(postmatch)
Pass "false" to exclude deleted fixtures from the response.
By default, this value is set to "true," meaning deleted fixtures will be included in the response.
Unique id of a requested fixture.
fixture Fixture
The requested list of fixtures or a single fixture.
Live fixtures
Every 30
Live upcoming fixtures
Every 60
All fixtures
Every 24
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used data interchange format that is lightweight and easy to read.
It represents data in a structured manner using key-value pairs. Within JSON, objects are one of the fundamental components for organizing and representing data.
A JSON object is enclosed within curly braces {} and consists of a collection of key-value pairs. The keys are strings that provide a label or identifier for the corresponding values. The values can be of various types, including strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, or even nested objects.
JSON objects enable the organization and storage of complex data structures in a hierarchical format. They offer flexibility, allowing developers to represent and manipulate data in a concise and human-readable manner. JSON objects are commonly used for transmitting and storing data in web APIs, configuration files, and various data exchange scenarios.
In summary, JSON objects serve as containers for data, providing a standardized and versatile format for representing structured information in a lightweight and easily understandable way.
The Squads API lets developers list and manage all players registered to a squad within a given competition.
Per each competition, this endpoint will return the following information:
Name of the competition
Team name & Id
Player forename, lastname and Id
Shirt Number
Retrieves a list of players associated to certain teams.
unique id of a requested season
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
"id": "f0e61bd2-a19b-4a4f-b544-d08e745bc8ee",
"season": {
"id": "7ac2140e-dd57-404a-bc3a-54d7fcd97343",
"name": "Season 2022/2023"
"team": {
"id": "f14fd931-a113-4a0b-9c5c-532057c96301",
"name": "Jonava BC Cbet"
"players": [
"id": "6f549898-4550-4d90-a66d-80c4fd69fde5",
"fullName": "Arturas Valeika",
"firstName": "Arturas",
"lastName": "Valeika",
"shirtNumber": "7",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "938ff687-2ef4-4ff6-bbbd-08afd0c6d651",
"fullName": "Lukas Kreismontas",
"firstName": "Lukas",
"lastName": "Kreismontas",
"shirtNumber": "88",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "86b8a861-756f-4fc0-981d-832544156add",
"fullName": "Nedas Raulusevicius",
"firstName": "Nedas",
"lastName": "Raulusevicius",
"shirtNumber": "10",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "9451b514-4f11-4949-81af-7e931c3580f4",
"fullName": "Adomas Sidarevicius",
"firstName": "Adomas",
"lastName": "Sidarevicius",
"shirtNumber": "13",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "626bebc2-2dfe-4971-9774-94e2bd8d393f",
"fullName": "Martins Laksa",
"firstName": "Martins",
"lastName": "Laksa",
"shirtNumber": "25",
"location": {
"name": "Latvia",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "cf9efd6b-d78e-4fee-9908-3de1bb01653e",
"fullName": "Robertas Sycius",
"firstName": "Robertas",
"lastName": "Sycius",
"shirtNumber": "3",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "5d400818-e3f8-4f69-989c-17c57829005b",
"fullName": "Edvinas Seskus",
"firstName": "Edvinas",
"lastName": "Seskus",
"shirtNumber": "9",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "a6a9e4b9-fa4a-42f9-a28f-de69e47506e2",
"fullName": "Mantvydas Staniulis",
"firstName": "Mantvydas",
"lastName": "Staniulis",
"shirtNumber": "_11",
"location": {
"country": {},
"continent": {}
"verified": true
"id": "50100052-929f-4858-be21-82e60e46236f",
"fullName": "Goran Huskic",
"firstName": "Goran",
"lastName": "Huskic",
"shirtNumber": "23",
"location": {
"name": "Serbia",
"country": {},
"continent": {}
"verified": true
"id": "60afeb8e-7e82-4277-859c-b2948c5a7aaa",
"fullName": "Dovis Bickauskis",
"firstName": "Dovis",
"lastName": "Bickauskis",
"shirtNumber": "2",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "3b2e71ab-b62e-4f5c-ae1c-3ddcedb62fae",
"fullName": "Xavier Thames",
"firstName": "Xavier",
"lastName": "Thames",
"shirtNumber": "11",
"location": {
"name": "USA",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "North America"
"verified": true
"id": "acda7582-9a2f-49c9-a41c-789d4e4f7dcd",
"fullName": "Vytautas Sulskis",
"firstName": "Vytautas",
"lastName": "Sulskis",
"shirtNumber": "8",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "bb7dc8fb-0da6-4d35-bf46-304e3dfb5ad4",
"fullName": "Glynn Watson",
"firstName": "Glynn",
"lastName": "Watson",
"shirtNumber": "5",
"location": {
"country": {},
"continent": {}
"verified": true
"id": "5dc800a5-093a-441d-b852-d6338b416663",
"fullName": "Jeffery Garrett",
"firstName": "Jeffery",
"lastName": "Garrett",
"shirtNumber": "4",
"location": {
"name": "USA",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "North America"
"verified": true
"id": "14191337-8065-4c21-b553-d2f11900913d",
"season": {
"id": "8bfdde3e-0857-49c9-9915-8f08aaa3e1ca",
"name": "Season 2022/2023"
"team": {
"id": "f14fd931-a113-4a0b-9c5c-532057c96301",
"name": "Jonava BC Cbet"
"players": [
"id": "86b8a861-756f-4fc0-981d-832544156add",
"fullName": "Nedas Raulusevicius",
"firstName": "Nedas",
"lastName": "Raulusevicius",
"shirtNumber": "10",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "6f549898-4550-4d90-a66d-80c4fd69fde5",
"fullName": "Arturas Valeika",
"firstName": "Arturas",
"lastName": "Valeika",
"shirtNumber": "7",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "61d82a01-0788-4c1a-a866-3f21bfad73b6",
"fullName": "Mantvydas Staniulis",
"firstName": "Mantvydas",
"lastName": "Staniulis",
"shirtNumber": "11",
"location": {
"country": {},
"continent": {}
"verified": true
"id": "9451b514-4f11-4949-81af-7e931c3580f4",
"fullName": "Adomas Sidarevicius",
"firstName": "Adomas",
"lastName": "Sidarevicius",
"shirtNumber": "13",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "cf9efd6b-d78e-4fee-9908-3de1bb01653e",
"fullName": "Robertas Sycius",
"firstName": "Robertas",
"lastName": "Sycius",
"shirtNumber": "3",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "acda7582-9a2f-49c9-a41c-789d4e4f7dcd",
"fullName": "Vytautas Sulskis",
"firstName": "Vytautas",
"lastName": "Sulskis",
"shirtNumber": "8",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "938ff687-2ef4-4ff6-bbbd-08afd0c6d651",
"fullName": "Lukas Kreismontas",
"firstName": "Lukas",
"lastName": "Kreismontas",
"shirtNumber": "88",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
"id": "626bebc2-2dfe-4971-9774-94e2bd8d393f",
"fullName": "Martins Laksa",
"firstName": "Martins",
"lastName": "Laksa",
"shirtNumber": "25",
"location": {
"name": "Latvia",
"country": {},
"continent": {
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Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
The requested list of players within a squad
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times - once per 24 hours
Please find the following link to the pagination page.
We kindly request your thorough perusal of this section in order to familiarize yourself with forthcoming alterations scheduled for implementation on the 31st of July, 2023.
These modifications, primarily encompassing the introduction of supplementary parameters, are anticipated to be of a straightforward nature and aim to enhance the query efficiency of our Fixtures API, thereby affording you considerable advantages.
The Seasons API offers developers a convenient way to list and manage competition seasons.
Serving as a gateway to the Fixtures API, it provides seamless integration for accessing comprehensive sports-related data.
Key Features:
List and Manage Competition Seasons: With the Seasons API, developers can effortlessly retrieve a complete list of competition seasons. No specific input is required from applications, making it easy to obtain general season information.
Flexible Filtering Options: Developers can leverage the API's filtering capabilities to retrieve seasons based on desired start and end dates. This feature allows applications to narrow down the results to specific time frames.
Useful Results: The API provides valuable results for obtaining essential identifiers, including competition IDs, season IDs, and stage IDs.
This pages provides in-depth information on endpoints, request parameters, and response structures. By following the provided guidelines and examples, developers can seamlessly integrate the API into their applications and maximize competition season management capabilities.
Retrieves a list of seasons for a specific sport.
Official, Training or Simulation matches
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
"id": "ca1829d1-fc05-455a-90e1-1692b2eb1306",
"name": "Season 2022/2023",
"startDateUTC": "2022-09-19T00:00:00",
"endDateUTC": "2022-10-31T00:00:00",
"competition": {
"id": "10d45772-74a0-4703-ae40-804591a0fb80",
"name": "Israel League Cup",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"location": {
"name": "Israel",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Asia"
"stages": [
"id": "b14d07d6-77ac-4aae-abbd-8da9125cfbf2",
"name": "Regular Round",
"startDateUTC": "2022-09-19T00:00:00",
"endDateUTC": "2022-10-31T00:00:00",
"rounds": [],
"groups": []
The requested list of seasons.
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times - once per 12 hours
Please find the following link to the pagination page.
We kindly request your thorough perusal of this section in order to familiarize yourself with forthcoming alterations scheduled for implementation on the 31st of July, 2023.
These modifications, primarily encompassing the introduction of supplementary parameters, are anticipated to be of a straightforward nature and aim to enhance the query efficiency of our Fixtures API, thereby affording you considerable advantages.
Provide aggregated data of matches such as statistics, scores, line-ups used for analysis and visualisation.
The statistics websocket contains a live 'stream' of the team and player actions happening within a match. This websocket is typically for clients wanting to integrate aggregated stats data to power live betting markets.
You should receive a new update any time a key action is completed and this websocket is crucial for powering live scores and match actions. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint. Once you have the API token, any further data that you send over the connection will be ignored. This endpoint sends heartbeats in-between data packets to let you know that it is still connected.
A unique name for the requested sport.
Values could be:
- basketball
- soccer
- v2/volleyball
- snooker
Unique id of a requested fixture.
this can be “fast” or “normal”. Default is normal and only applicable for offline matches
default is 0. This is how many events to skip from the beginning of the list of events. e.g. 5 would be start sending events from the 5th event received for that websocket. This is a useful feature if you want to continue without getting all the events again from the beginning when you reconnect
The supplied authentication is invalid
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
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"duration": "00:00:02.2579690",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:23.082614Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:26.988437Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6478540",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:25.340583Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:44.459564Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9836310",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:42.475933Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:46.212263Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7526990",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:44.459564Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:47.933351Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7210880",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:46.212263Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:49.527553Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5942020",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:47.933351Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:50.987255Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4597020",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:49.527553Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:52.726838Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7395830",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:50.987255Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:54.546791Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8199530",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:52.726838Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:56.458344Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9115530",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:54.546791Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:58.09253Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6341860",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:56.458344Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:00.017628Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9250980",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:58.09253Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:01.415695Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3980670",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:00.017628Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:03.195167Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7794720",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:01.415695Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:04.821465Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6262980",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:03.195167Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:06.671512Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8500470",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:04.821465Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:08.096476Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4249640",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:06.671512Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:09.752219Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6557430",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:08.096476Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:11.194259Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4420400",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:09.752219Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:12.564055Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3697960",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:11.194259Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:13.895411Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3313560",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:12.564055Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:15.59974Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7043290",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:13.895411Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:18.246485Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.6467450",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:15.59974Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:19.897072Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6505870",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:18.246485Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:17.170735Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5393960",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:15.631339Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:18.78603Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6152950",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:17.170735Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:20.252261Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4662310",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:18.78603Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:21.889384Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6371230",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:20.252261Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:23.432325Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5429410",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:21.889384Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:24.993307Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5609820",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:23.432325Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:26.490859Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4975520",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:24.993307Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:27.997419Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5065600",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:26.490859Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:29.542956Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5455370",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:27.997419Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:31.261414Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7184580",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:29.542956Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:32.704096Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4426820",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:31.261414Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:34.359185Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6550890",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:32.704096Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:35.719996Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3608110",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:34.359185Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:50.857141Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0842440",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:48.772897Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:52.252634Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3954930",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:50.857141Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:53.735258Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4826240",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:52.252634Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:55.192185Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4569270",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:53.735258Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:56.62568Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4334950",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:55.192185Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:58.095683Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4700030",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:56.62568Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:00.321694Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2260110",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:58.095683Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:01.717479Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3957850",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:00.321694Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:03.723041Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0055620",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:01.717479Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:05.216686Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4936450",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:03.723041Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:06.696616Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4799300",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:05.216686Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:08.202322Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5057060",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:06.696616Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:09.701827Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4995050",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:08.202322Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:11.196148Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4943210",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:09.701827Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:12.753407Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5572590",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:11.196148Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:15.766039Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0126320",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:12.753407Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:18.244674Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.4786350",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:15.766039Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:31.021009Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4804640",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:29.540545Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:32.555269Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5342600",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:31.021009Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:41.719827Z",
"duration": "00:00:09.1645580",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:32.555269Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:43.653177Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9333500",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:41.719827Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:45.052477Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3993000",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:43.653177Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:46.453654Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4011770",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:45.052477Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:47.923116Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4694620",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:46.453654Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:49.329622Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4065060",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:47.923116Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:50.736527Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4069050",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:49.329622Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:52.227005Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4904780",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:50.736527Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:53.589757Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3627520",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:52.227005Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:54.982973Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3932160",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:53.589757Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:56.362622Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3796490",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:54.982973Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:57.847801Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4851790",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:56.362622Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:59.322351Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4745500",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:57.847801Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:00.673815Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3514640",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:59.322351Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:16.984405Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6081400",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:15.376265Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:18.412328Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4279230",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:16.984405Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:19.881314Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4689860",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:18.412328Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:21.291172Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4098580",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:19.881314Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:22.711076Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4199040",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:21.291172Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:24.091993Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3809170",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:22.711076Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:25.509449Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4174560",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:24.091993Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:26.865444Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3559950",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:25.509449Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:28.296755Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4313110",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:26.865444Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:30.177781Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8810260",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:28.296755Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:31.60134Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4235590",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:30.177781Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:32.996436Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3950960",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:31.60134Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:34.400558Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4041220",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:32.996436Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:35.80701Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4064520",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:34.400558Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:37.167345Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3603350",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:35.80701Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:38.571653Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4043080",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:37.167345Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:39.995731Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4240780",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:38.571653Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:41.464602Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4688710",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:39.995731Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:42.942887Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4782850",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:41.464602Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:44.47592Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5330330",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:42.942887Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:45.995317Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5193970",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:44.47592Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:47.506633Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5113160",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:45.995317Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:58.497794Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8414190",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:56.656375Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:00.263764Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7659700",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:58.497794Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:01.638512Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3747480",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:00.263764Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:03.343362Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7048500",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:01.638512Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:04.753959Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4105970",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:03.343362Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:06.053624Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2996650",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:04.753959Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:07.407562Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3539380",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:06.053624Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:08.711884Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3043220",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:07.407562Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:10.002092Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2902080",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:08.711884Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:11.378286Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3761940",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:10.002092Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:12.717144Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3388580",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:11.378286Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:14.078641Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3614970",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:12.717144Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:15.423094Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3444530",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:14.078641Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:20.398614Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.9755200",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:15.423094Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:22.069121Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6705070",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:20.398614Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:23.478544Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4094230",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:22.069121Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:24.798924Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3203800",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:23.478544Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:25.999869Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2009450",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:24.798924Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:27.275506Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2756370",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:25.999869Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:28.67166Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3961540",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:27.275506Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:30.000708Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3290480",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:28.67166Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:31.36248Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3617720",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:30.000708Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:32.669525Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3070450",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:31.36248Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:34.440568Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7710430",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:32.669525Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:36.188814Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7482460",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:34.440568Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:47.192051Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0852900",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:45.106761Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:49.105182Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9131310",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:47.192051Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:50.497838Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3926560",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:49.105182Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:51.846546Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3487080",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:50.497838Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:53.164275Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3177290",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:51.846546Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:55.814371Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.6500960",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:53.164275Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:56.789228Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9748570",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:55.814371Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:58.423404Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6341760",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:56.789228Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:59.648711Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2253070",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:58.423404Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:00.711433Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.0627220",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:59.648711Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:01.679212Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9677790",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:00.711433Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:02.610775Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9315630",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:01.679212Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:03.74131Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.1305350",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:02.610775Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:04.949401Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2080910",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:03.74131Z"
We don't look at the header for websockets. Instead we expect the client to push through that auth message immediately on connecting in the following format:
{"authToken": "ACCESS_TOKEN"}
IMG Arena monitors customer traffic to ensure it follows guidelines and isn't excessive. We recommend a request rate of 5 per second and encourage staying connected to websockets instead of repeated re-connections.
The sequence number
Tracing Id for logs
The version number
Whether the match has finished or not
Values are true
or false
The unique id of the match
The timestamp of the file and it's usually the time the latest action update has happened
Aggregated player action statistics
Aggregated team sports statistics
This section details and describes the values within the P&B tracking payload.
The P&B Tracking websocket contains a live 'stream' of the team, player, ball and referee locations happening within a match. These are typically for clients wanting to integrate P&B tracking data for visualisations but not live betting markets.
This websocket provides an updated list of player positions and speeds and describes actions as they occur, such as passes and player sprints. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint. Once you have the API token, any further data that you send over the connection will be ignored. This endpoint sends heartbeats in-between data packets to let you know that it is still connected.
"message": "Could not find fixture topic soccer.tracking.enrichment.08456e52-9cf7-48cc-913c-f45ec",
"level": "WARN"
"message": "Authentication message had incorrect format",
"level": "ERROR"
IMG Arena monitor the incoming traffic from our customers and strive to ensure that traffic is controlled, in-keeping with our guidelines and not unnecessarily excessive. We would suggest a polling rate of 5 requests per second, whilst we strive towards implementing rate limiting.
This section defines how to connect to the websocket. This works well in Postman.
Open websocket connection to the host and path for the data feed desired
Submit authentication request
a. Use the same bearer token used to access any other part of the DDE b.
"authToken": "<BEARER TOKEN>"
Successful authentication will return a json response {
"message":"Authorisation accepted",
At this point a Heartbeat will be sent every 10seconds
"message": "Heartbeat sent at <ISO_DATE_TIME_STAMP>",
"level": "INFO"
"fixtureId": "<FIXTURE ID>",
"backfill": <BACKFILL>
Backfill Logic
n = null
-> all messages from start of feed + all future messages
n = -1
-> all messages from start of feed + all future messages
n = 0
-> all future messages ONLY
n > 0
-> last n
messages + all future messages
If the fixture exists then the data feed will commence
Once a fixture has been requested and accepted, any further fixture requests will be ignored.The connection must be closed and a new one opened to get a new fixture feed
This should be done by making the fixture request as below:
"fixtureId": "<FIXTURE ID>",
"backfill": <BACKFILL>,
"replay": {
"enabled" : <boolean true/false>,
"packetsPerSecond": <PACKETS_PER_SECOND>,
"looped": <boolean true/false>
is a boolean denoting if the replay functionality should be enabled or not. This allows you to use the same JSON body for all requests but to not have a request be a replay.
is an integer between 1 and a 1000 denoting the number of packets that should be sent per second.
a. The upper limit of 1000 is currently due to the speed we can read off kafka and produce to the websocket
is a boolean denoting if the replay should loop when the end of the feed is reached. This allows you to request a match to keep replaying without making any further requests.
a. Note that the replay will end when you close the websocket
Represents the fixture's details.
id uuid
Unique ID for this fixture. Generated by IMG Arena.
name string
The fixture's .
startDateUTC timestamp
of when the fixture is scheduled to start, in RFC 3339 format.
status string
type string
This allows a user to call the fixtures API by 'Official', 'Simulation' or 'Training'.
coverageLevel string
0. No coverage
In Venue
Video (post match)
collectionStatus string
0. C
teams []
Team details
Stage information
Details of the venue
sport string
name of sport
fixtureDeleted boolean
Boolean value to indicate If the fixture has been deleted
Provide aggregated data of matches such as statistics, scores, line-ups used for analysis and visualisation.
The statistics websocket contains a live 'stream' of the team and player actions happening within a match. This websocket is typically for clients wanting to integrate aggregated stats data to power live media and broadcast customers websites, apps etc. The only difference currently to the betting version of the websockets, is the latency with which data to the websockets are delivered
You should receive a new update any time a key action is completed and this websocket is crucial for powering live scores and match actions. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint. Once you have the API token, any further data that you send over the connection will be ignored. This endpoint sends heartbeats in-between data packets to let you know that it is still connected.
The supplied authentication is invalid
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
"seqNum": 405,
"traceId": "eb8ee0f092bf0cda01a497cd072ffad9",
"version": 2,
"finished": true,
"fixtureId": "b11729e0-d401-48aa-938b-1025aa44369f",
"timestamp": "2023-02-27T11:33:13.001313400Z",
"teamActionAggregates": [
"team": {
"id": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"name": "AS Test WST Team 1"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 84,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 64
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"subAction": "Bottom Right",
"subActionId": 30106,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 78,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 61
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Brown",
"actionId": 304,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Right",
"subActionId": 30106,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Pink",
"actionId": 306,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"action": "Blue",
"actionId": 305,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 5,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 8
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 8
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Bottom Right",
"subActionId": 30106,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 6,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 5
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Brown",
"actionId": 304,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Right",
"subActionId": 30106,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Pink",
"actionId": 306,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"period": 6,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"period": 9,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 5
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Blue",
"actionId": 305,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Pink",
"actionId": 306,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"period": 7,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 11
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 11
"period": 3,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 11
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 11
"period": 8,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 13,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 13
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 13,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 12
"period": 4,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"playerActionAggregates": []
"team": {
"id": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"name": "AS Test WST Team 2"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 10,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 5,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 6,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 9,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 7,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 3,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 8,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 4,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"playerActionAggregates": []
"advancedSportStatistics": {
"startingStriker": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"breaksStatistics": {
"breaks": [
"score": 60,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 8,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blackBalls": 6,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:22:05.485816Z",
"periodNumber": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:18:06.166267Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:22:07.781721Z",
"periodNumber": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:22:05.485816Z"
"score": 69,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 9,
"blueBalls": 1,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blackBalls": 7,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:30.501786Z",
"periodNumber": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:22:47.891828Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:32.911043Z",
"periodNumber": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:30.501786Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:42.475933Z",
"periodNumber": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:38.82287Z"
"score": 88,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 11,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 11,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:24:27.120534Z",
"periodNumber": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:42.475933Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 3,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:24:28.908342Z",
"periodNumber": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:24:27.120534Z"
"score": 56,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 7,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 7,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:43.602901Z",
"periodNumber": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:12.903858Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:46.136075Z",
"periodNumber": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:43.602901Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:48.772897Z",
"periodNumber": 5,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:47.271522Z"
"score": 65,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 9,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 8,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:30:21.087244Z",
"periodNumber": 5,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:48.772897Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 3,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:30:22.601522Z",
"periodNumber": 5,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:30:21.087244Z"
"score": 65,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 9,
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"fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672": {
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:20:34.868488Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:20:36.736274Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:21:11.037047Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:10.804689Z"
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"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:47.933351Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:46.212263Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:23:49.527553Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5942020",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:47.933351Z"
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"duration": "00:00:01.4597020",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:01.415695Z"
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"duration": "00:00:01.3313560",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:12.564055Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:15.59974Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7043290",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:13.895411Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:18.246485Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:23.432325Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:26.490859Z",
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"duration": "00:00:01.5455370",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:27.997419Z"
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"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:50.857141Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:48.772897Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:01.717479Z"
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"duration": "00:00:01.4936450",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:29.540545Z"
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"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:41.719827Z",
"duration": "00:00:09.1645580",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:32.555269Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:43.653177Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9333500",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:41.719827Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:45.052477Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3993000",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:43.653177Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:46.453654Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4011770",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:45.052477Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:47.923116Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4694620",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:46.453654Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:49.329622Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4065060",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:47.923116Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:50.736527Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4069050",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:49.329622Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:52.227005Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4904780",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:50.736527Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:53.589757Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3627520",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:52.227005Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:54.982973Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3932160",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:53.589757Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:56.362622Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3796490",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:54.982973Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:57.847801Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4851790",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:56.362622Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:59.322351Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4745500",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:57.847801Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:00.673815Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3514640",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:59.322351Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:16.984405Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6081400",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:15.376265Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:18.412328Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4279230",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:16.984405Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:19.881314Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4689860",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:18.412328Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:21.291172Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4098580",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:19.881314Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:22.711076Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4199040",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:21.291172Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:24.091993Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3809170",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:22.711076Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:25.509449Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4174560",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:24.091993Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:26.865444Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3559950",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:25.509449Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:28.296755Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4313110",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:26.865444Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:30.177781Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8810260",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:28.296755Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:31.60134Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4235590",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:30.177781Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:32.996436Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3950960",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:31.60134Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:34.400558Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4041220",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:32.996436Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:35.80701Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4064520",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:34.400558Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:37.167345Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3603350",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:35.80701Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:38.571653Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4043080",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:37.167345Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:39.995731Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4240780",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:38.571653Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:41.464602Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4688710",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:39.995731Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:42.942887Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4782850",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:41.464602Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:44.47592Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5330330",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:42.942887Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:45.995317Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5193970",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:44.47592Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:47.506633Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5113160",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:45.995317Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:31:58.497794Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8414190",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:56.656375Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:00.263764Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7659700",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:31:58.497794Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:01.638512Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3747480",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:00.263764Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:03.343362Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7048500",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:01.638512Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:04.753959Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4105970",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:03.343362Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:06.053624Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2996650",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:04.753959Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:07.407562Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3539380",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:06.053624Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:08.711884Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3043220",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:07.407562Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:10.002092Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2902080",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:08.711884Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:11.378286Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3761940",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:10.002092Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:12.717144Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3388580",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:11.378286Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:14.078641Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3614970",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:12.717144Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:15.423094Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3444530",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:14.078641Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:20.398614Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.9755200",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:15.423094Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:22.069121Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6705070",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:20.398614Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:23.478544Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4094230",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:22.069121Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:24.798924Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3203800",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:23.478544Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:25.999869Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2009450",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:24.798924Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:27.275506Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2756370",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:25.999869Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:28.67166Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3961540",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:27.275506Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:30.000708Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3290480",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:28.67166Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:31.36248Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3617720",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:30.000708Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:32.669525Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3070450",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:31.36248Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:34.440568Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7710430",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:32.669525Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:36.188814Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7482460",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:34.440568Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:47.192051Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0852900",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:45.106761Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:49.105182Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9131310",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:47.192051Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:50.497838Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3926560",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:49.105182Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:51.846546Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3487080",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:50.497838Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:53.164275Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3177290",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:51.846546Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:55.814371Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.6500960",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:53.164275Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:56.789228Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9748570",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:55.814371Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:58.423404Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6341760",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:56.789228Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:59.648711Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2253070",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:58.423404Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:00.711433Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.0627220",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:59.648711Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:01.679212Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9677790",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:00.711433Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:02.610775Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9315630",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:01.679212Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:03.74131Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.1305350",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:02.610775Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:04.949401Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2080910",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:03.74131Z"
We don't look at the header for websockets. Instead we expect the client to push through that auth message immediately on connecting in the following format.
{"authToken": "ACCESS_TOKEN"}
IMG Arena monitors customer traffic to ensure it follows guidelines and isn't excessive. We recommend a request rate of 5 per second and encourage staying connected to websockets instead of repeated re-connections.
The below information details the key FastPath actions and sub action types we will be collecting live and distributing via the live Actions WebSocket.
An action type can be something like a 3 points made/missed, assist, free throws and more. The sub action type gives extra context to that initial action type. i.e. a free throw (action type) and three free throws awarded (sub action type).
Below details our different collection levels for basketball, which satisfies requirements for both low latency betting and media clients. The three collection levels are:
Betting Collection Level 1 (Minimal)
Betting Collection Level 1.5 (Enhanced)
Betting + Media Collection Level 2
In the downloadable 'Data Point' attachment below, lists all action points and their relevance for each collection level above. The priority actions collected are listed as 1 & 2, any red tiles indicate the action to either be not relevant for that action or not collected and green signifies collected actions. The Competition Coverage attachment meanwhile lists per competition our coverage levels as described above.
Data Points
Update on new action types
Please be informed that new action types will be added to our system on July 10, 2024. This update aims to enhance our service offerings and improve the overall betting experience. Ensure your systems are prepared for this integration.
We will add two new fixtureActionType values: Data Review Underway (id 72) and Data Review Over (id 73). These values will assist IMGA data collectors/supervisors check data points during live matches. Associated fixtureActionSubType values will include:
• Score (7221)
• Fouls (7222)
• Match clock (7223)
• Points per player (7224)
• Assists per player (7225)
• Rebounds per player (7226)
These updates will inform you of suspected inaccuracies in specific data points, allowing you to suspend relevant markets at your discretion.
Please be aware that with coverage L1.5, Assists and Rebounds are remotely collected out of venue using low latency TV streams. This means that there will be a slight delay in these being registered (could be 2-3 minutes in some cases after the action), and we would encourage operators not to settle these markets until post game.
Please note that "Possibles" for rebounds and assists are then converted to a different action type thereafter
Competition Coverage
Please also be aware that for Betting Collection Level 1 and 1.5 data points, we guarantee the data standards as per the Service Level Agreements. For competitions that are collected with collection level 2 data points, we advise a level of discretion and we will not be held to the same specific Betting standards.
There are certain elements of the basketball game whose output depends on referee’s/official’s particular view of the event. The view of the official decision maker may cause them to think a rebound or assist should be assigned to a different player, or may not count at all, compared to the view of any data collector sat in a different position – irrespective of whether they are sat in a media zone. Some outcomes are hard to define even after watching multiple replays. The main actions are listed below. Here are some of the subjective actions.
Offensive/Defensive rebounds – any ball caught by an offensive or defensive player after a previously missed shot. If the rebound is attempted by two players from opposing teams, the rebound is assigned to the player who intentionally pushed the ball to another player from his team. If the ball was pushed accidentally and ended up in the hands of an opponent who maintained possession, the opponent gets the rebound. This situation may not always be clear.
Assists - the last pass to a player who immediately after receiving the ball makes a scoring shot. An assist is also credited if, after this pass, the shooter makes a layup without dribbling past any opponent. An assist does not count if the shooter gets the ball in the 2-point area, but steps back and makes a made shot for 3 points; nor does this work when a player moves from 3 to 2 points area. Again, the awarding of assists can be unclear.
Assists for Free Throws: an assist is also awarded when the player receiving the ball is fouled. From the first made free throw, as assist is assigned to original passing player. Subsequent made free throws in a series will not see an assist added.
A player is assigned 3 free throws.
First FT missed.
Second FT made (assist assigned)
Third FT made (assist not assigned)
This endpoint returns the aggregated team standings for a specific season. Per each competition and season.
The Standings API lets developers create an aggregated view of the teams and their current points accumulation across a season.
The data contained will include data points such as total wins, home/away wins, losses, draws, games played, rank and win % and more. Please note these are currently only available for select competitions. For coverage reach out to support
Retrieves a list of standings data for a specific season within a competition
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
"teamsStatistics": [
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The supplied authentication is invalid
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"timestamp": "2023-06-29T13:54:47.499651Z",
"stage": {
"id": "49bcbc5c-c785-4083-a214-746c28715546",
"name": "Regular Round"
"group": {
"id": "49bcbc5c-c785-4083-a214-746c28715546",
"name": null
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times - For this data, we suggest once post match.
A unique name for the requested sport.
Values could be:
- basketball
- soccer
- v2/volleyball
- snooker
Unique id of a requested fixture.
this can be “fast” or “normal”. Default is normal and only applicable for offline matches
default is 0. This is how many events to skip from the beginning of the list of events. e.g. 5 would be start sending events from the 5th event received for that websocket. This is a useful feature if you want to continue without getting all the events again from the beginning when you reconnect
The sequence number
Tracing Id for logs
The version number
Whether the match has finished or not
Values are true
or false
The unique id of the match
The timestamp of the file and it's usually the time the latest action update has happened
Aggregated player action statistics
Aggregated team sports statistics
unique stage id
Root element of the standings packet
teamId uuid
The UUID of the team
name string
The team name
totalWins integer
The total number of victories during that season
homeWins integer
The total number of home victories during that season
awayWins integer
The total number of away victories during that season
totalLosses integer
The total number of losses during that season
homeLosses integer
The total number of home losses during that season
awayLosses integer
The total number of away losses during that season
lossesByWalkover integer
The total number of losses by walkover during that season
totalDraws integer
The total number of home draws during that season
homeDraws integer
The total number of home draws during that season
awayDraws integer
The total number of away draws during that season
points integer
The total number of points during that season
last10GamesWinLose string
The last 10 results streak
overtimeGamesWinLose integer
The number of games won/lost in overtime during that season
currentStreak integer
Current streak during that season
longestWinningStreak integer
The teams current longest winning streak during that season
homeStreak integer
The home teams current home streak during that season
awayStreak integer
The away teams current home streak during that season
score integer
The total goals scored
homeScore integer
The total goals scored at home during that season
awayScore integer
The total goals scored away during that season
opponentsScore integer
The total goals conceded during that season
homeOpponentsScore integer
The total goals conceded at home during that season
awayOpponentsScore integer
The total goals conceded away during that season
averageScore decimal
The average score during that season
averageHomeScore integer/decimal
The average home score during that season
averageAwayScore integer/decimal
The average away score during that season
averageOpponentsScore decimal
The average opponent score during that season
averageHomeOpponentsScore decimal
The average home opponent score during that season
averageAwayOpponentsScore decimal
The average away opponent score during that season
gamesPlayed integer
Number of games played during that season
gamesWinPercentage decimal
The win percentage during that season
rank integer
The ranking within the standings during that season
advancedTeamStatistics string/null
timestamp timestamp
Timestamp of the standings update
Root element of stage
id uuid
UUID of the stage
name string
Stage name
Root element of stage
id uuid
UUID of the stage
name string/null
group name
id String
fixtureId as defined in DDE
ix Integer
Index per channel and sub-type (event type in event channel)
mt Integer
Match time- time clock of the phase [milliseconds]
ph Integer
Phase - number of the current phase
st String
State of the current phase: [start] first message of the phase [running] phase is in progress [end] final message of the phase
ut Integer
UTC time, in milliseconds
ba Integer
Ball - Statistics on the ball
jn Number
Jersey number for the player, -1 for unknowns
pn Number
Position - (x, y, z) ball coordinates. Origin is the pitch centre in metres
tr String
Track Id of the ball
tm String
Team in possession of the ball
hm Array
Home Team - statistics on the home team's players
tr String
Track Id - track Id associated to the player
ro Integer
Role - Index identifying player's role, -1 for unknowns
jn Integer
Jersey number for the player, -1 for unknowns
pl String
Player id for the player. null for unknowns
d Number
Distance - distance traveled by the player since the beginning [meters]
v Number
Speed - current speed of the player [meters/second]
aw Array
Away Team - statistics on the away team's players
tr String
As Above
ro Integer
As Above
jn Integer
As Above
pl String
As Above
d Number
As Above
v Number
As Above
Referees - statistics on the referees
tr String
As Above
ro Integer
As Above
jn Integer
As Above
d Number
As Above
v Number
As Above
pn array
As Above
unique season id
List of aggregated player, sport and team match actions which produce statistics like goals, cards, shots, number of attacks and more.
The Stats API lets developers list and manage aggregated match statistics packet in a single URL call (which are typically delivered in the live match statistics websocket). These stats are delivered in the API call at the end of the fixture.
The data contained will include all team and player aggregated stats happening within a match as well as aggregated statistics of sport actions. For a list of these actions, please see the relevant action type sections within each sport.
Retrieves a list of statistical data for a specific fixture
unique id of a requested fixture
Request is missing required HTTP header 'Accept'
The supplied authentication is invalid
"seqNum": 405,
"traceId": "eb8ee0f092bf0cda01a497cd072ffad9",
"version": 2,
"finished": true,
"fixtureId": "b11729e0-d401-48aa-938b-1025aa44369f",
"timestamp": "2023-02-27T11:33:13.001313400Z",
"teamActionAggregates": [
"team": {
"id": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"name": "AS Test WST Team 1"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 84,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 64
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"subAction": "Bottom Right",
"subActionId": 30106,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 78,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 61
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Brown",
"actionId": 304,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Right",
"subActionId": 30106,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Pink",
"actionId": 306,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"action": "Blue",
"actionId": 305,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 5,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 8
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 8
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Bottom Right",
"subActionId": 30106,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 6,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 5
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Brown",
"actionId": 304,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Right",
"subActionId": 30106,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Pink",
"actionId": 306,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"period": 6,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 7
"period": 9,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 5
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Blue",
"actionId": 305,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Pink",
"actionId": 306,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"period": 7,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 11
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 11
"period": 3,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 11
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 11,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 11
"period": 8,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 13,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 13
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 13,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 12
"period": 4,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Red",
"actionId": 301,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Black",
"actionId": 307,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Top Right",
"subActionId": 30104,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Bottom Left",
"subActionId": 30103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Center Left",
"subActionId": 30102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Top Left",
"subActionId": 30101,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"subAction": "Center right",
"subActionId": 30105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"playerActionAggregates": []
"team": {
"id": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"name": "AS Test WST Team 2"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 10,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 5,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 6,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 9,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 7,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 3,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 8,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 4,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Striker",
"actionId": 316,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Concede frame",
"actionId": 312,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"playerActionAggregates": []
"advancedSportStatistics": {
"startingStriker": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"breaksStatistics": {
"breaks": [
"score": 60,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 8,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blackBalls": 6,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:22:05.485816Z",
"periodNumber": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:18:06.166267Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:22:07.781721Z",
"periodNumber": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:22:05.485816Z"
"score": 69,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 9,
"blueBalls": 1,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blackBalls": 7,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:30.501786Z",
"periodNumber": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:22:47.891828Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:32.911043Z",
"periodNumber": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:30.501786Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:42.475933Z",
"periodNumber": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:38.82287Z"
"score": 88,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 11,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 11,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:24:27.120534Z",
"periodNumber": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:23:42.475933Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 3,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:24:28.908342Z",
"periodNumber": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:24:27.120534Z"
"score": 56,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 7,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 7,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:43.602901Z",
"periodNumber": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:12.903858Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:46.136075Z",
"periodNumber": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:43.602901Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:48.772897Z",
"periodNumber": 5,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:47.271522Z"
"score": 65,
"breakSeq": 2,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 9,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 8,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:30:21.087244Z",
"periodNumber": 5,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:29:48.772897Z"
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 3,
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:30:22.601522Z",
"periodNumber": 5,
"startTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:30:21.087244Z"
"score": 65,
"breakSeq": 1,
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 9,
"blueBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 8,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"endTimestamp": "2023-02-27T11:31:04.426227Z",
"periodNumber": 6,
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:20:34.868488Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:20:36.736274Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:21:11.037047Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:10.804689Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:46.212263Z"
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"duration": "00:00:01.5942020",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:23:47.933351Z"
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"duration": "00:00:01.4597020",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:01.415695Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:12.564055Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:15.59974Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:24:13.895411Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:24:18.246485Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:23.432325Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:29:26.490859Z",
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"duration": "00:00:01.5455370",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:27.997419Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:29:48.772897Z"
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:29.540545Z"
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"duration": "00:00:09.1645580",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:32.555269Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:30:43.653177Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9333500",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:30:41.719827Z"
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"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:50.497838Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3926560",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:49.105182Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:51.846546Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:53.164275Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:51.846546Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:55.814371Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:56.789228Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9748570",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:55.814371Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:58.423404Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6341760",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:56.789228Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:32:59.648711Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2253070",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:58.423404Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:00.711433Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.0627220",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:32:59.648711Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:01.679212Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9677790",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:00.711433Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:02.610775Z",
"duration": "00:00:00.9315630",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:01.679212Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:03.74131Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.1305350",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:02.610775Z"
"shotEnd": "2023-02-27T11:33:04.949401Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2080910",
"shotStart": "2023-02-27T11:33:03.74131Z"
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Sequence number
traceId uuid
Tracing Id for logs
version integer
API version
finished boolean
Indicates whether a match has finished Example: true or false
fixtureId uuid
Unique id of a fixture
timestamp timestamp
Unique timestamp at a time the stats were created
Aggregated actions statistics
Aggregated sports statistics
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times - once post match.
Represents the player information of a squad.
id uuid
Unique squad id
Season within the squad is registered
Information about the team
Players' details within a team
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"fullName": "Xavier Thames",
"firstName": "Xavier",
"lastName": "Thames",
"shirtNumber": "11",
"location": {
"name": "USA",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "North America"
"verified": true
"id": "5dc800a5-093a-441d-b852-d6338b416663",
"fullName": "Jeffery Garrett",
"firstName": "Jeffery",
"lastName": "Garrett",
"shirtNumber": "4",
"location": {
"name": "USA",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "North America"
"verified": true
"id": "5d400818-e3f8-4f69-989c-17c57829005b",
"fullName": "Edvinas Seskus",
"firstName": "Edvinas",
"lastName": "Seskus",
"shirtNumber": "9",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
Represents the player details in the Squads feed.
id uuid
Unique player id
fullName string
Full name of the player
firstName string
First name
lastName string
Last name
shirtNumber string
Shirt number
position string
Playing position
Origin of player
verified string
Indicates whether a player's information has been verified Example: true or false
"id": "6f549898-4550-4d90-a66d-80c4fd69fde5",
"fullName": "Arturas Valeika",
"firstName": "Arturas",
"lastName": "Valeika",
"shirtNumber": "7",
"position": "Goalkeeper",
"location": {
"name": "Lithuania",
"country": {},
"continent": {
"name": "Europe"
"verified": true
Represents a team's details in the Squads feed.
id uuid
Unique id of a team
name string
Team's name Example: Boston Celtics
Team's category Example: Men, Women, Youth
More details about the club the team belongs to
homeTeam boolean
Indicates whether the team is playing at home or away Example: true, false
"id": "114aa40d-6895-48b9-9bfe-0abecc9d10c9",
"name": "Hapoel Tel Aviv",
"club": {
"id": "3bf65514-d1b3-4768-8119-cee69b574734",
"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Men"
"homeTeam": true
Represents the season's details.
id uuid
Unique ID for this season. Generated by IMG Arena.
name string
The season's .
startDateUTC timestamp
of when the season is scheduled to start, in RFC 3339 format.
endDateUTC timestamp
of when the season is scheduled to end, in RFC 3339 format.
A list of competition's played within the season.
Location details of the season.
Represents the player action details of a match.
"fixtureActionType":"Yellow Card",
"homeTeam": false,
"name":"FC Groningen"
"label":"1st half",
fixtureSeqNum is a deduplicated list of scorer sequence numbers based on the action creation time across all devices and all scorers. timelineSequence is a value that considers the chronological order of actions. The intention is for it to be both sequential and unique, ensuring that no actions have the same timelineSequence and that any action occurring afterward has a greater timeline sequence. When a fixture is finished the order of actions is based on the timelinesequence. During a live match, the packets should be ordered by fixtureSeqNum.
"delayStatus": "DELAYED",
"fixtureAction": {
"period": 1,
"actionId": "6ee3f4f6-e85c-448a-a13a-f5b85979337f",
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"clockTime": "10:00",
"fixtureId": "2104e2e1-3439-4684-a146-28df3f89bda2",
"timestamp": "2022-09-25T14:20:57.092100Z",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"fixtureSeqNum": 11,
"timelineSequence": 1.000000000000001,
"fixtureActionType": "Red Card",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 105,
"fixtureActionSubType": "Straight Red",
"fixtureActionSubTypeId": 10501,
"team": {
"homeTeam": true,
"id": "867a43cd-140d-4792-a7b0-74eefca2527f",
"name": "KV Kortrijk"
"player": {
"id": "ac367f4c-c8a5-48ac-afdc-be9fbddfa60c",
"name": "Kristof D'Haene"
Represents the summary of the fixture details.
Provides essential contextual information about a sports event, including the coverage level, fixture status, collection status, and reason codes for collection status.
fixtureAction Fixture Action
Contains information about the action
version integer
API version
fixtureSummary Fixture Summary
Contains a summary about the fixture status
traceId uuid
Unique tracing id for logs
period integer
The period id.
actionId UUID
The id number of the action. This will be useful in linking actions that are pending, updated etc.
metadata Metadata
Provides essential contextual information about a sports event, including the coverage level, fixture status, collection status, and reason codes for collection status. This parameter enhances the data's utility by indicating the depth of event coverage, the real-time progress of the fixture, the current state of data collection, and explanations for any collection interruptions.
sendType string
the send type .
clockTime string
The value on the clock when the action was collected.
fixtureId UUID
The unique id of the fixture.
timestamp timestamp
of when the season is scheduled to start, in RFC 3339 format.
sendTypeId integer
the send type .
fixtureSeqNum boolean
A deduplicated list of scorer sequence numbers based on the action creation time across all devices and all scorers.
The timeline sequence
fixtureActionType string
The action type . Full list of actions can be found here.
fixtureActionTypeId integer
The action type Id related to the fixtureActionType.
fixtureActionSubType string
The sub action type name.
fixtureActionSubTypeId integer
The sub action type id related to fixtureActionSubType.
team Team
Team details
player optional Player
Player information
Identify delayed packets collected offline due to scorer disconnection, ensuring these packets include the actual collection timestamp upon reconnection.
isTied boolean
Is the match currently in a tied state?
periods Period []
Information for each period.
awayTeamScore integer
The away team score.
homeTeamScore integer
The home team score.
currentPeriod integer
The current period.
currentStatus string
currentClockTime time
The clock time of the action.
isHomeTeamInPossession boolean
Is the home team in possession of the ball?
finished boolean
Inidicates the match has finished and no more packets will be sent
currentClockState String
id integer
Id of the category
name string
Category name
Defines the granularity of data collected for an event.
Indicates the current phase of an event, such as upcoming, in progress, paused or completed.
Reflects the ongoing state of data collection for an event, highlighting if it's active, paused, or complete.
Provides a code or explanation for the current data collection status, clarifying any interruptions or changes.
Represents the venue details of a tournament or season.
Represents the location details of a tournament or season.
Represents the period's details.
id integer
The id.
label string
The string relating to the period.
start timestamp
of when the period has started, in RFC 3339 format.
end timestamp
of when the period has ended, in RFC 3339 format.
type string
The match .
awayTeamScore integer
The overall away team score.
homeTeamScore integer
The overall home team score.
awayTeamPeriodScore integer
The away team score in that period.
homeTeamPeriodScore integer
The home team score in that period.
"periods": [
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"type": "Regular",
"start": "2022-09-25T14:20:57",
"end": "2022-09-25T14:39:51",
"awayTeamScore": 15,
"homeTeamScore": 19,
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 15,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 19
Represents a team's details in the actions feed.
Represents the aggregated statistics of all match actions by action types.
action string
Action type name
actionId integer
Unique id of a specific action type
actionAggregate integer
Number of times a specific action was recorded during a match
Detailed information of record sub action types
"action": "Shot",
"actionId": 111,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Blocked",
"subActionId": 11103,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"subAction": "Wide/Over (Off Target)",
"subActionId": 11105,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "On Target",
"subActionId": 11102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
id uuid
Unique player id
name string
Full name of the player
Represents the break details within advanced statistics for a given tournament.
Statistics around brakes
"breaksStatistics": {
"breaks": [
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:39:06.684813Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:39:19.517872Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": false
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:39:19.517872Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": false
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 147,
"breakSeq": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:41:32.278164Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 15,
"blackBalls": 16,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"wasReRacked": false
Represents the advanced statistics for a given match.
Advanced statitics about each period / frame
Advanced player statistics
startingStriker UUID
"advancedSportStatistics": {
"framesStatistics": [
"frameNumber": 1,
"frameLabel": "1st frame",
"breaksStatistics": {
"breaks": [
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:39:06.684813Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:39:19.517872Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": false
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:39:19.517872Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": false
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 147,
"breakSeq": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:41:32.278164Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 15,
"blackBalls": 16,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"wasReRacked": false
"remainingBallsStatistics": {
"remainingBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"possiblePoints": 0,
"nextExpectedBall": "None"
"frameDuration": "00:02:25.5125863"
"frameNumber": 2,
"frameLabel": "2nd frame",
"breaksStatistics": {
"breaks": [
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 16,
"breakSeq": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:41:34.307985Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:41:48.848465Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 2,
"blackBalls": 2,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 56,
"breakSeq": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:41:48.848465Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:34.832323Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 7,
"blackBalls": 7,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": false
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:34.832323Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": false
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 91,
"breakSeq": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:43:38.713806Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 8,
"blackBalls": 9,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"wasReRacked": false
"remainingBallsStatistics": {
"remainingBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"possiblePoints": 0,
"nextExpectedBall": "None"
"frameDuration": "00:01:47.6812996"
"frameNumber": 3,
"frameLabel": "3rd frame",
"breaksStatistics": {
"breaks": [
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:46:41.88604Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:17.097323Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:17.097323Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:21.612727Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:21.612727Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:24.449059Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:24.449059Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:26.654031Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 5,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:26.654031Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:30.372002Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 6,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:30.372002Z",
"endTimestamp": null,
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"remainingBallsStatistics": {
"remainingBalls": {
"redBalls": 15,
"blackBalls": 1,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"possiblePoints": 147,
"nextExpectedBall": "RedBall"
"frameDuration": "00:00:00"
"playersStatistics": [
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"gameStatistics": {
"totalPoints": 147,
"breaksOver50": 2,
"breaksOver100": 0,
"highestBreak": 91,
"shotsTaken": 39,
"timeOnTableInSeconds": 150.21284199999997,
"timeOnTableInPercents": 55.748185605691766,
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 15,
"blackBalls": 16,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"ballsPottedCount": 36,
"firstBallPotted": 0,
"averageShotTime": "00:00:18.3619755"
"framesStatistics": [
"frameNumber": 1,
"bestBreak": {
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:39:19.517872Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": false
"averageShotTimeStatistics": {
"shotTimes": [
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:39:19.517872Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"duration": "00:00:49.1038320"
"averageShotTime": "00:00:49.1038320"
"timeOnTable": "00:00:49.1038320"
"frameNumber": 2,
"bestBreak": {
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 91,
"breakSeq": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:43:38.713806Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 8,
"blackBalls": 9,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"wasReRacked": false
"averageShotTimeStatistics": {
"shotTimes": [
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:55.900759Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:59.148643Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.2478840"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:59.148643Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:02.034985Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.8863420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:02.034985Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:05.375169Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.3401840"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:05.375169Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:08.534393Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.1592240"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:08.534393Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:11.596504Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0621110"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:11.596504Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:16.100746Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.5042420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:16.100746Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:18.613775Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.5130290"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:18.613775Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:21.619893Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0061180"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:21.619893Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:24.21919Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.5992970"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:24.21919Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:26.553764Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.3345740"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:26.553764Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:28.270606Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7168420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:28.270606Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:30.289451Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0188450"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:30.289451Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:32.374551Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0851000"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:32.374551Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:34.832323Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.4577720"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:41.024174Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.6111620"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:41.024174Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:43.296191Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2720170"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:43.296191Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:46.14541Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.8492190"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:46.14541Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:48.19177Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0463600"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:48.19177Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:51.277608Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0858380"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:51.277608Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:54.350825Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0732170"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:54.350825Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:57.414034Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0632090"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:59.869098Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:02.630191Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.7610930"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:05.367475Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.7372840"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:10.214681Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:10.214681Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:12.145113Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9304320"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:16.448141Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.3513420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:16.448141Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:19.153304Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.7051630"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:19.153304Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:20.868404Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7151000"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:22.767695Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8992910"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:22.767695Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:25.134519Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.3668240"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:27.068461Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9339420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:27.068461Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:29.430768Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.3623070"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:29.430768Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:31.646807Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2160390"
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"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:47:24.449059Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:47:26.654031Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2049720"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:47:30.372002Z",
"shotEnd": null,
"duration": null
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"timeOnTable": "00:00:06.7203760"
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"duration": "00:00:04.1461760"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:17.205098Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.4372180"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:17.205098Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:22.249713Z",
"duration": "00:00:05.0446150"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:22.249713Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:27.403847Z",
"duration": "00:00:05.1541340"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:27.403847Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:33.135318Z",
"duration": "00:00:05.7314710"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:33.135318Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:36.000389Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.8650710"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:36.000389Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:37.58126Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5808710"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:37.58126Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:39.06161Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4803500"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:40.544402Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4827920"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:44.212368Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:45.74695Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5345820"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:47.367873Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:49.575014Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2071410"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:49.575014Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:51.714956Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.1399420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:51.714956Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:53.212271Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4973150"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:53.212271Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:54.663208Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4509370"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:54.663208Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:56.187489Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5242810"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:56.187489Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:58.382333Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.1948440"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:58.382333Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:00.647527Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2651940"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:00.647527Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:03.366814Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.7192870"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:03.366814Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:05.212742Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8459280"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:05.212742Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:06.722904Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:08.179898Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4569940"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:08.179898Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:09.651083Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4711850"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:09.651083Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:11.113172Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4620890"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:11.113172Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:12.782348Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6691760"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:12.782348Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:14.174282Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3919340"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:14.174282Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:15.704325Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5300430"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:15.704325Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:17.190531Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4862060"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:17.190531Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:18.704465Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5139340"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:18.704465Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:20.198611Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4941460"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:20.198611Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:21.649677Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4510660"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:21.649677Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:23.874778Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2251010"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:23.874778Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:25.476101Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6013230"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:25.476101Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:27.597124Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.1210230"
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"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 3,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:34.832323Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.5806890"
"averageShotTime": "00:00:03.5806890"
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"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:46:41.88604Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:17.097323Z",
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"averageShotTimeStatistics": {
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:47:24.449059Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.8363320"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:47:26.654031Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:47:30.372002Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.7179710"
"averageShotTime": "00:00:03.2771515"
"timeOnTable": "00:00:06.5543030"
"startingStriker": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672"
Represents the aggregated statistics of all team actions for a given period within a match.
"period": 1,
"label":"1st half",
"aggregates": [
"action": "Kick Off",
"actionId": 121,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Safe",
"actionId": 101,
"actionAggregate": 63,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Attack",
"actionId": 102,
"actionAggregate": 61,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Attack",
"actionId": 103,
"actionAggregate": 41,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Awarded",
"actionId": 126,
"actionAggregate": 14,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Taken",
"actionId": 113,
"actionAggregate": 14,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Free Kick",
"actionId": 118,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Corner Awarded",
"actionId": 127,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Corner Taken",
"actionId": 108,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Shot",
"actionId": 111,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": [
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"subActionId": 11103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
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"subActionId": 11105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Goal Kick",
"actionId": 109,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Free Kick",
"actionId": 115,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
Represents the game details within advanced statistics for a given match.
"gameStatistics": {
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"breaksOver100": 0,
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"timeOnTableInPercents": 55.748185605691766,
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"player": {
"id": "3e43f633-d337-4be5-9134-ccf6d9febc61",
"name": "Senne Lynen"
"gameActionAggregates": [
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"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
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"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
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"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:24.449059Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:24.449059Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:26.654031Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 5,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:26.654031Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:30.372002Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 6,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:30.372002Z",
"endTimestamp": null,
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
"pinkBalls": 0,
"blueBalls": 0,
"brownBalls": 0,
"greenBalls": 0,
"yellowBalls": 0
"wasReRacked": true
"remainingBallsStatistics": {
"remainingBalls": {
"redBalls": 15,
"blackBalls": 1,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"possiblePoints": 147,
"nextExpectedBall": "RedBall"
"frameDuration": "00:00:00"
period integer
The period of the match
label string
The string relating to the period.
type string
The match .
Aggregates Action Aggregates []
Aggregated event data that comprises of general attributes and event specific attributes and is grouped by sport specific action types.
totalPoints integer
breaksOver50 integer
breaksOver100 integer
highestBreak integer
shotsTaken integer
timeOnTableInSeconds double
timeOnTableInPercents double
pottedBalls Potted Balls
ballsPottedCount integer
firstBallPotted integer
averageShotTime duration
player Player
Detailed information of a team
gameActionAggregates Action Aggregates []
Aggregated event data that comprises of general attributes and event specific attributes and is grouped by a player
periodActionAggregates Period Action Aggregates []
Provides aggregated event data for each player within a given period
frameNumber Integer
Frame or period number
frameLabel String
Frame or period description
breaksStatistics Break Statistics
Advanced brake stats. The snooker shot(s) that make up a player’s turn while at the table. Each time a player pots a red ball, they are allowed to take another shot this time on a colored ball; if they pot that, they attempt to pot another red and so on. When that player fails to pot a ball, their opponent takes the following shot. The points tally up to that time for the first player is called the break.
remainingBallsStatistics Remaining Ball Statistics
Advanced statistics for the remaining ball in snooker
frameDuration duration
Duration of the frame
The REST API follows standard REST patterns.
Applications can interact with resources through HTTPS requests to specific URLs. Our REST API is designed exclusively for business-to-business (B2B) applications, and direct connections to the DDE using our data are not permitted to maintain data integrity and security.
To interact with a resource, send an HTTPS request, including the resource URL, necessary headers (such as the access token), the method, request body, and query parameters. For example:
curl https://dde-api.data.imgarena.com/basketball/seasons \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Access resources via URLs, which vary for production (https://dde-api.data.imgarena.com) and simulation (https://dde-api-sims.data.imgarena.com) environments.
The request should specify the HTTP method, with options including:
GET for reading or listing resources
POST for creating resources
PUT for updating resources
DELETE for removing resources
Incorporate HTTP and query parameters to convey additional call details, like authorisation and data format, or for specific needs in listing operations like sorting or filtering. For instance:
curl 'https://dde-api.data.imgarena.com/basketball/fixtures?status=Completed&type=Official' \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
API calls yield JSON objects with the requested resources or an error list. Successful responses display an HTTP 200 status code, while errors have non-200 codes.
The response for single object operations includes a JSON object with the resource type (like season or fixture).
For list and search operations, expect a named array of objects (like seasons) and a cursor value for pagination. Please always check the cursor value in these operations to ensure it's finished item retrieval.
In our REST API, each action packet is enriched by adding player and team names. If the system doesn't find a player or team linked to a particular fixture in the enrichment packet, it logs a warning. The warning message will indicate "Unknown player code: …"
or "Unknown team code: …"
based on the missing information. When this occurs, the system replaces the missing name with an empty string ("")
. This approach alerts users to any inconsistencies while preserving the structural integrity of the data packet.
Represents the aggregated statistics of all match sub actions by sub action types.
2PT Shot
The total number of shots made from within or on the 3 point line.
2PT made
The total number of shots made from within or on the 3 point line.
Total number of passes players made leading directly to a basket being scored.
Player Foul
Total number of fouls committed by a player: - personal - technical - unsportsmanlike - offensive - disqualifying - double personal
3PT Shot
Total number of shots made from beyond the 3 point line.
3PT made
Total number of shots made from beyond the 3 point line.
Player recovers possession of the basketball from the other team by intercepting a pass or dribble.
Foul Against
Total number of fouls against a player.
FT awarded
Stats for players awarded a number of free throws - one free throw awarded - two free throws awarded - three free throws awarded
FT made
The total number of free throw shots made.
Stats for the teams in possession of the ball that has changed: - stolen - shot clock violation - back court violation - travelling - double dribble
2PT missed
The total number of shots missed from within or on the 3 point line.
Defensive Rebound
Statistics for defensive players who have recoverd the ball after a shot.
Offensive Rebound
Statistics for offensive players who have recoverd the ball after a shot.
Defensive Team Rebound
Statistics about defensive teams that have recovered the ball after a shot but was not attributed to a single player.
The total number of player stops the basketball from being shot into the basket.
3PT missed
The total number of shots missed from beyond the 3 point line.
Offensive Team Rebound
Statistics about offensive teams that have recovered the ball after a shot but was not attributed to a single player.
FT missed
The total number of free throws missed.
Bench Foul
The total number of fouls committed by benched players.
2PT Shot
The total number of shots made from within or on the 3 point line.
2PT made
The total number of shots made from within or on the 3 point line.
Total number of passes players made leading directly to a basket being scored.
Player Foul
Total number of fouls committed by a player: - personal - technical - unsportsmanlike - offensive - disqualifying - double personal
3PT Shot
Total number of shots made from beyond the 3 point line.
3PT made
Total number of shots made from beyond the 3 point line.
Player recovers possession of the basketball from the other team by intercepting a pass or dribble.
Foul Against
Total number of fouls against a player.
FT awarded
Stats for players awarded a number of free throws - one free throw awarded - two free throws awarded - three free throws awarded
FT made
The total number of free throw shots made.
Stats for the teams in possession of the ball that has changed: - stolen - shot clock violation - back court violation - travelling - double dribble
2PT missed
The total number of shots missed from within or on the 3 point line.
Defensive Rebound
Statistics for defensive players who have recoverd the ball after a shot.
Offensive Rebound
Statistics for offensive players who have recoverd the ball after a shot.
Defensive Team Rebound
Statistics about defensive teams that have recovered the ball after a shot but was not attributed to a single player.
The total number of player stops the basketball from being shot into the basket.
3PT missed
The total number of shots missed from beyond the 3 point line.
Offensive Team Rebound
Statistics about offensive teams that have recovered the ball after a shot but was not attributed to a single player.
FT missed
The total number of free throws missed.
Bench Foul
The total number of fouls committed by benched players.
This page details various different rebound types including:
204: Offensive Rebound
205: Defensive Rebound
224: Offensive Team Rebound
225: Defensive Team Rebound
226: No Rebound
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "81e8c451-8c0d-472b-b751-1b8a0044b711",
"clockTime": "09:42",
"fixtureActionType": "Offensive Rebound",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 204,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 22,
"period": 1,
"player": {
"id": "e12ba72d-b61f-46ae-bdd8-ae94c13256a5",
"name": "Mouhammadou Jaiteh"
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": false,
"id": "75fc57e4-657a-4b3d-9165-7ae7bddf9dbe",
"name": "VSB123"
"timelineSequence": 1.0000000179519097,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:00:54.122034Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "running",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 2,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": false,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 0,
"awayTeamScore": 0,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 2,
"homeTeamScore": 2,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "722a081be0d393b872b7e25f9dd00989",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "79f804ca-440b-4952-ad8d-7d3ccf4c57cf",
"clockTime": "09:00",
"fixtureActionType": "Defensive Rebound",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 205,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 79,
"period": 1,
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Pending",
"sendTypeId": 1,
"team": {
"homeTeam": false,
"id": "75fc57e4-657a-4b3d-9165-7ae7bddf9dbe",
"name": "VSB123"
"timelineSequence": 1.0000000597046461,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:02:12.950559Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 6,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "running",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 6,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": false,
"isTied": true,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 6,
"awayTeamScore": 6,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 6,
"homeTeamScore": 6,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "ba4c5dc4f7e63950a334ac584f263959",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "2cef89f2-9399-4d31-8407-411462e48ff5",
"clockTime": "09:01",
"fixtureActionType": "Offensive Team Rebound",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 224,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 65,
"period": 1,
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": false,
"id": "75fc57e4-657a-4b3d-9165-7ae7bddf9dbe",
"name": "VSB123"
"timelineSequence": 1.0000000585042057,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:01:52.387194Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 6,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "running",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 6,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": false,
"isTied": true,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 6,
"awayTeamScore": 6,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 6,
"homeTeamScore": 6,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "7a260a4b36d414a589a4aecd1a496a58",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "d8e77451-8876-42c2-804e-923b25eb80aa",
"clockTime": "07:57",
"fixtureActionType": "Defensive Team Rebound",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 225,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 197,
"period": 1,
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": true,
"id": "aa67fcd8-8616-4756-8786-8d1a8038974e",
"name": "EA7 Emporio Armani Milan Treaning"
"timelineSequence": 1.0000001227900617,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:09:13.571435Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "stopped",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": true,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 11,
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 10,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "d889bc87a98c28c1d69e30d1dbff1851",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "749072e1-cebd-437f-a646-e89305555ce7",
"clockTime": "07:57",
"fixtureActionType": "No Rebound",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 226,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 211,
"period": 1,
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": true,
"id": "aa67fcd8-8616-4756-8786-8d1a8038974e",
"name": "EA7 Emporio Armani Milan Treaning"
"timelineSequence": 1.000000122790063,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:09:27.251181Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "stopped",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": true,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 11,
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 10,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "d59b26391fc2eabc00384d694bb01dd5",
"version": 3
This details a fixture with a turnover action (fixtureActionTypeId:201) with the subtypes below:
20001: Stolen
20002: Shot Clock Violation
20003: Back Court Violation
20004: Travelling
20005: Double Dribble
20006: Out Of Bounds
20007: 3 Second Violation
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "a9b40349-0ef2-486a-ac2a-61a10926bc30",
"clockTime": "08:02",
"fixtureActionSubType": "Stolen",
"fixtureActionSubTypeId": 20001,
"fixtureActionType": "Turnover",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 201,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 161,
"period": 1,
"player": {
"id": "b9a8897d-da95-4c2c-809f-404369a737a3",
"name": "Amadeo Tessitori"
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": false,
"id": "75fc57e4-657a-4b3d-9165-7ae7bddf9dbe",
"name": "VSB123"
"timelineSequence": 1.0000001178514968,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:07:54.527394Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "stopped",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": true,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 11,
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 10,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "d66b55fe9743463d36a9d5c0db2809f6",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "bb8be455-94de-4c72-bf62-fae528411119",
"clockTime": "08:02",
"fixtureActionSubType": "Shot Clock Violation",
"fixtureActionSubTypeId": 20002,
"fixtureActionType": "Turnover",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 201,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 165,
"period": 1,
"player": {
"id": "284081b2-a313-48ba-a649-d64a18e5dfbb",
"name": "Jerian Grant"
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": true,
"id": "aa67fcd8-8616-4756-8786-8d1a8038974e",
"name": "EA7 Emporio Armani Milan Treaning"
"timelineSequence": 1.0000001178514972,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:08:10.351134Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "stopped",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": false,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 11,
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 10,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "5e06c514df49aac5aaaa68c696f450fc",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "cc8c2c51-1b52-4a3f-9182-8d4b0703521c",
"clockTime": "08:02",
"fixtureActionSubType": "Back Court Violation",
"fixtureActionSubTypeId": 20003,
"fixtureActionType": "Turnover",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 201,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 167,
"period": 1,
"player": {
"id": "9ab78b33-2d49-4030-92a9-9c87bc683c05",
"name": "Marco Belinelli"
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": false,
"id": "75fc57e4-657a-4b3d-9165-7ae7bddf9dbe",
"name": "VSB123"
"timelineSequence": 1.0000001178514974,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:08:14.758863Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "stopped",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": true,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 11,
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 10,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "93c719fde7c0fc194511d0b998b32eaa",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "40976935-0434-42b1-8fd1-eb9ae74076d4",
"clockTime": "08:02",
"fixtureActionSubType": "Travelling",
"fixtureActionSubTypeId": 20004,
"fixtureActionType": "Turnover",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 201,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 169,
"period": 1,
"player": {
"id": "d12c4186-ce84-4e2d-a167-d11c7285d8a8",
"name": "Tomasso Baldasso"
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": true,
"id": "aa67fcd8-8616-4756-8786-8d1a8038974e",
"name": "EA7 Emporio Armani Milan Treaning"
"timelineSequence": 1.0000001178514977,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:08:20.345336Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "stopped",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": false,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 11,
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 10,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "1df68c7a3b16ff18226e2cc494941e41",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "922c73ce-0663-4850-aa5c-46ff64af39eb",
"clockTime": "08:02",
"fixtureActionSubType": "Double Dribble",
"fixtureActionSubTypeId": 20005,
"fixtureActionType": "Turnover",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 201,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 171,
"period": 1,
"player": {
"id": "15c530b9-ccd6-451c-9a4e-902728477575",
"name": "Jakarr Sampson"
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
"homeTeam": false,
"id": "75fc57e4-657a-4b3d-9165-7ae7bddf9dbe",
"name": "VSB123"
"timelineSequence": 1.000000117851498,
"timestamp": "2024-03-11T18:08:24.827671Z"
"fixtureSummary": {
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"collectionStatus": "CollectingLive",
"currentClockState": "stopped",
"currentClockTime": "00:00",
"currentPeriod": 1,
"currentStatus": "Live",
"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": true,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
"awayTeamPeriodScore": 11,
"awayTeamScore": 11,
"end": null,
"homeTeamPeriodScore": 10,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"id": 1,
"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "08e690b392d2b3e4d942146025f33213",
"version": 3
"fixtureAction": {
"actionId": "2fe4d5c2-9e20-452f-a07a-1c3e39a56f82",
"clockTime": "08:02",
"fixtureActionSubType": "Out Of Bounds",
"fixtureActionSubTypeId": 20006,
"fixtureActionType": "Turnover",
"fixtureActionTypeId": 201,
"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 173,
"period": 1,
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"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
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"version": 3
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"clockTime": "08:01",
"fixtureActionSubType": "3 Second Violation",
"fixtureActionSubTypeId": 20007,
"fixtureActionType": "Turnover",
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"fixtureId": "ee718764-e8de-40ba-a09a-4c64117a7310",
"fixtureSeqNum": 176,
"period": 1,
"player": {
"id": "15c530b9-ccd6-451c-9a4e-902728477575",
"name": "Jakarr Sampson"
"relatedFixtureActionIds": [],
"sendType": "Confirmed",
"sendTypeId": 5,
"team": {
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"finished": false,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
"isHomeTeamInPossesion": true,
"isTied": false,
"periods": [
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"awayTeamScore": 11,
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"homeTeamPeriodScore": 10,
"homeTeamScore": 10,
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"label": "1st quarter",
"start": "2024-03-11T18:00:36",
"type": "Regular"
"traceId": "79a60de76da404b83dd9460bec69def7",
"version": 3
Represents the player's advanced statistics for a given tournament.
playerId uuid
Unique player id
playerName string
Player's full name
Advanced game statistics
Advanced frame / period statistics
"playersStatistics": [
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"gameStatistics": {
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"breaksOver50": 2,
"breaksOver100": 0,
"highestBreak": 91,
"shotsTaken": 39,
"timeOnTableInSeconds": 150.21284199999997,
"timeOnTableInPercents": 55.748185605691766,
"pottedBalls": {
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"blackBalls": 16,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"ballsPottedCount": 36,
"firstBallPotted": 0,
"averageShotTime": "00:00:18.3619755"
"framesStatistics": [
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"bestBreak": {
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"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:39:19.517872Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 0,
"blackBalls": 0,
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"brownBalls": 0,
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"averageShotTimeStatistics": {
"shotTimes": [
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:39:19.517872Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"duration": "00:00:49.1038320"
"averageShotTime": "00:00:49.1038320"
"timeOnTable": "00:00:49.1038320"
"frameNumber": 2,
"bestBreak": {
"playerId": "ecd878c9-7edb-4d52-94f6-f62d7f97c59d",
"playerName": "Joe Charles",
"score": 91,
"breakSeq": 4,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:43:38.713806Z",
"pottedBalls": {
"redBalls": 8,
"blackBalls": 9,
"pinkBalls": 1,
"blueBalls": 1,
"brownBalls": 1,
"greenBalls": 1,
"yellowBalls": 1
"wasReRacked": false
"averageShotTimeStatistics": {
"shotTimes": [
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:55.900759Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:59.148643Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.2478840"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:59.148643Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:02.034985Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.8863420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:02.034985Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:05.375169Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.3401840"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:05.375169Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:08.534393Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.1592240"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:08.534393Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:11.596504Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0621110"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:11.596504Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:16.100746Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.5042420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:16.100746Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:18.613775Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.5130290"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:18.613775Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:21.619893Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0061180"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:21.619893Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:24.21919Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.5992970"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:24.21919Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:26.553764Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.3345740"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:26.553764Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:28.270606Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7168420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:28.270606Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:30.289451Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0188450"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:30.289451Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:32.374551Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0851000"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:32.374551Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:34.832323Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.4577720"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:41.024174Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.6111620"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:41.024174Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:43.296191Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2720170"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:43.296191Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:46.14541Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.8492190"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:46.14541Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:48.19177Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.0463600"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:48.19177Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:51.277608Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0858380"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:51.277608Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:54.350825Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:54.350825Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:57.414034Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.0632090"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:57.414034Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:59.869098Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.4550640"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:42:59.869098Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:02.630191Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.7610930"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:10.214681Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.8472060"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:10.214681Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:12.145113Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9304320"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:12.145113Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:14.096799Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9516860"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:14.096799Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:16.448141Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.3513420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:16.448141Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:19.153304Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.7051630"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:19.153304Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:20.868404Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.7151000"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:20.868404Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:22.767695Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8992910"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:22.767695Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:25.134519Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.3668240"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:25.134519Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:27.068461Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.9339420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:27.068461Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:29.430768Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.3623070"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:29.430768Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:31.646807Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2160390"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:43:31.646807Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:43:33.870082Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2232750"
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"breakSeq": 2,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:17.097323Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:21.612727Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:47:21.612727Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.5154040"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:47:24.449059Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:47:26.654031Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2049720"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:47:30.372002Z",
"shotEnd": null,
"duration": null
"averageShotTime": "00:00:03.3601880"
"timeOnTable": "00:00:06.7203760"
"playerId": "fd4a9578-2fff-4ed3-a015-694985fa8672",
"playerName": "Bob Smith",
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"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:40:08.621704Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:41:32.278164Z",
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"shotTimes": [
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:12.76788Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.1461760"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:12.76788Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:17.205098Z",
"duration": "00:00:04.4372180"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:17.205098Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:22.249713Z",
"duration": "00:00:05.0446150"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:22.249713Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:27.403847Z",
"duration": "00:00:05.1541340"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:27.403847Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:33.135318Z",
"duration": "00:00:05.7314710"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:33.135318Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:36.000389Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.8650710"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:36.000389Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:37.58126Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5808710"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:37.58126Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:39.06161Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4803500"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:39.06161Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:40.544402Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4827920"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:40.544402Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:42.11257Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5681680"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:42.11257Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:44.212368Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:45.74695Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5345820"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:47.367873Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:49.575014Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2071410"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:49.575014Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:51.714956Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.1399420"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:51.714956Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:53.212271Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4973150"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:53.212271Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:54.663208Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4509370"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:40:54.663208Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:56.187489Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5242810"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:40:58.382333Z",
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"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:00.647527Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:03.366814Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.7192870"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:03.366814Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:05.212742Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.8459280"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:06.722904Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:08.179898Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4569940"
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:09.651083Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4711850"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:09.651083Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:11.113172Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4620890"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:11.113172Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:12.782348Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6691760"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:12.782348Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:14.174282Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.3919340"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:14.174282Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:15.704325Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5300430"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:15.704325Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:17.190531Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4862060"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:17.190531Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:18.704465Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.5139340"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:18.704465Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:20.198611Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4941460"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:20.198611Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:21.649677Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.4510660"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:21.649677Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:23.874778Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.2251010"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:23.874778Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:25.476101Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.6013230"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:41:25.476101Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:41:27.597124Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.1210230"
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"timeOnTable": "00:01:18.9754200"
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"playerName": "Bob Smith",
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"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:34.832323Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:42:38.413012Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.5806890"
"averageShotTime": "00:00:03.5806890"
"timeOnTable": "00:00:03.5806890"
"frameNumber": 3,
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"playerName": "Bob Smith",
"score": 0,
"breakSeq": 1,
"startTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:46:41.88604Z",
"endTimestamp": "2023-04-06T12:47:17.097323Z",
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"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:47:24.449059Z",
"duration": "00:00:02.8363320"
"shotStart": "2023-04-06T12:47:26.654031Z",
"shotEnd": "2023-04-06T12:47:30.372002Z",
"duration": "00:00:03.7179710"
"averageShotTime": "00:00:03.2771515"
"timeOnTable": "00:00:06.5543030"
Represents the aggregated statistics of all team actions for a given match.
teamId string
Unique team id
name string
Team name
homeTeam boolean
Denotes whether the team is the home team
Values are true
or false
Aggregated event data that comprises of general attributes and event specific attributes and is grouped by sport specific action types.
Provides aggregated event data grouped by each period within the match
Provided aggregated event data grouped by each player
"seqNum": 806,
"traceId": "d0067b7aaafaa8eeff533f095a2628c0",
"version": 1,
"finished": true,
"fixtureId": "3a0bfed3-fdc6-41ec-8f3a-349db21cc2ed",
"timestamp": "2023-02-01T21:48:03.530293700Z",
"teamActionAggregates": [
"team": {
"id": "2c789564-ce50-4e84-9961-2039ed0c4f73",
"name": "Royale Union Saint Gilloise",
"homeTeam": "true"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Kick Off",
"actionId": 121,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Safe",
"actionId": 101,
"actionAggregate": 102,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Attack",
"actionId": 102,
"actionAggregate": 109,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Attack",
"actionId": 103,
"actionAggregate": 74,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Awarded",
"actionId": 126,
"actionAggregate": 29,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Taken",
"actionId": 113,
"actionAggregate": 29,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Free Kick",
"actionId": 118,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Corner Awarded",
"actionId": 127,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Corner Taken",
"actionId": 108,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Shot",
"actionId": 111,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Blocked",
"subActionId": 11103,
"subActionAggregate": 4
"subAction": "Wide/Over (Off Target)",
"subActionId": 11105,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "On Target",
"subActionId": 11102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Goal Kick",
"actionId": 109,
"actionAggregate": 9,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Free Kick",
"actionId": 115,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offside",
"actionId": 110,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Goal",
"actionId": 104,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Kick Off",
"actionId": 121,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Safe",
"actionId": 101,
"actionAggregate": 63,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Attack",
"actionId": 102,
"actionAggregate": 61,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Attack",
"actionId": 103,
"actionAggregate": 41,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Awarded",
"actionId": 126,
"actionAggregate": 14,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Taken",
"actionId": 113,
"actionAggregate": 14,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Free Kick",
"actionId": 118,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Corner Awarded",
"actionId": 127,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Corner Taken",
"actionId": 108,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Shot",
"actionId": 111,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Blocked",
"subActionId": 11103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Wide/Over (Off Target)",
"subActionId": 11105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Goal Kick",
"actionId": 109,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Free Kick",
"actionId": 115,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Safe",
"actionId": 101,
"actionAggregate": 39,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Awarded",
"actionId": 126,
"actionAggregate": 15,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Taken",
"actionId": 113,
"actionAggregate": 15,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Attack",
"actionId": 102,
"actionAggregate": 48,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Attack",
"actionId": 103,
"actionAggregate": 33,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offside",
"actionId": 110,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Free Kick",
"actionId": 118,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Shot",
"actionId": 111,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Blocked",
"subActionId": 11103,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Wide/Over (Off Target)",
"subActionId": 11105,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "On Target",
"subActionId": 11102,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Corner Awarded",
"actionId": 127,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Corner Taken",
"actionId": 108,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Goal Kick",
"actionId": 109,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Free Kick",
"actionId": 115,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Goal",
"actionId": 104,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"playerActionAggregates": [
"player": {
"id": "3e43f633-d337-4be5-9134-ccf6d9febc61",
"name": "Senne Lynen"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"player": {
"id": "255b03ff-5454-4092-8171-701c9ba89ce3",
"name": "V Boniface"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Offside",
"actionId": 110,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Offside",
"actionId": 110,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"player": {
"id": "5bb06895-bcb0-4f9d-bc1a-e8c8bb8cc695",
"name": "Bart Nieuwkoop"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Goal",
"actionId": 104,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Goal",
"actionId": 104,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"team": {
"id": "216005c0-ecfd-48ea-b9b9-a2635eacb13f",
"name": "Royal Antwerp FC"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Safe",
"actionId": 101,
"actionAggregate": 114,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Attack",
"actionId": 102,
"actionAggregate": 88,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Awarded",
"actionId": 126,
"actionAggregate": 26,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Taken",
"actionId": 113,
"actionAggregate": 26,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Attack",
"actionId": 103,
"actionAggregate": 40,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Free Kick",
"actionId": 118,
"actionAggregate": 7,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Goal Kick",
"actionId": 109,
"actionAggregate": 8,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Shot",
"actionId": 111,
"actionAggregate": 4,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Wide/Over (Off Target)",
"subActionId": 11105,
"subActionAggregate": 3
"subAction": "Blocked",
"subActionId": 11103,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Kick Off",
"actionId": 121,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offside",
"actionId": 110,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Free Kick",
"actionId": 115,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 1,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Safe",
"actionId": 101,
"actionAggregate": 57,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Attack",
"actionId": 102,
"actionAggregate": 46,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Awarded",
"actionId": 126,
"actionAggregate": 12,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Taken",
"actionId": 113,
"actionAggregate": 12,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Attack",
"actionId": 103,
"actionAggregate": 21,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Free Kick",
"actionId": 118,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Goal Kick",
"actionId": 109,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Shot",
"actionId": 111,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Wide/Over (Off Target)",
"subActionId": 11105,
"subActionAggregate": 2
"subAction": "Blocked",
"subActionId": 11103,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Kick Off",
"actionId": 121,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Safe",
"actionId": 101,
"actionAggregate": 57,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Attack",
"actionId": 102,
"actionAggregate": 42,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Attack",
"actionId": 103,
"actionAggregate": 19,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Awarded",
"actionId": 126,
"actionAggregate": 14,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Throw In Taken",
"actionId": 113,
"actionAggregate": 14,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Free Kick",
"actionId": 118,
"actionAggregate": 5,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Offside",
"actionId": 110,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Shot",
"actionId": 111,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": [
"subAction": "Wide/Over (Off Target)",
"subActionId": 11105,
"subActionAggregate": 1
"action": "Goal Kick",
"actionId": 109,
"actionAggregate": 3,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 2,
"subActionAggregates": []
"action": "Dangerous Free Kick",
"actionId": 115,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"playerActionAggregates": [
"player": {
"id": "801405d6-ca56-4f91-af1a-894405273c31",
"name": "Arbnor Muja"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Offside",
"actionId": 110,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Offside",
"actionId": 110,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"player": {
"id": "4ad7b7f2-e1d3-4ea8-8e19-22605cd50963",
"name": "Jelle Bataille"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"player": {
"id": "c1c7069a-e31e-4707-8ac6-ed329d3b01ce",
"name": " Gyrano Kerk"
"gameActionAggregates": [
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
"periodActionAggregates": [
"period": 2,
"aggregates": [
"action": "Yellow Card",
"actionId": 107,
"actionAggregate": 1,
"subActionAggregates": []
Our collection team is responsible to follow the score at the end of quarter and to update the missing data if necessary asap.
Possible Rebound actions are sent after every missed shot to be updated by our remote collector. The collector chooses specific type of rebound; Defensive, Offensive, Team Defensive, Team Offensive or No Rebound action, if there is a buzzer or any other referee's signal to stop playing right after the shot but before the rebound.
Please note that "Possibles" for rebounds and assist are then converted to a different action type thereafter
Video Check actions are not related to any team. The rest of the actions with no team assigned:
Play Stopped
Play Resumed
Edit Time
Close Market
Open Market
Start Period
End Period
Start Clock
Stop Clock
Neither of the Offensive and Offensive Team Rebounds are guaranteed, it all depends on the situation on the court.
Rebound is the aftermath of a missed shot such as:
Control of the ball, even despite unsuccessful other’s previous attempts to intercept it after a missed shot
Controlled tipping the ball to score the points
Controlled tipping the ball to the teammate
Team Rebound only should be collected when:
The ball goes out of bounds after missed field goal attempt or free throw
The foul is committed after missed field goal attempt or free throw if the ball is out of control for any player
The ball is held by many players after missed field goal attempt of free throw
The ball is stuck between hoop and the backboard
Yes - for L1.5 app version (Euroleague and EuroCup), Possible Rebounds are sent after every missed shot and out Remote data collector is responsible to update that.