This section details and describes the values within the P&B tracking payload.
The P&B Tracking websocket contains a live 'stream' of the team, player, ball and referee locations happening within a match. These are typically for clients wanting to integrate P&B tracking data for visualisations but not live betting markets.
This websocket provides an updated list of player positions and speeds and describes actions as they occur, such as passes and player sprints. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint. Once you have the API token, any further data that you send over the connection will be ignored. This endpoint sends heartbeats in-between data packets to let you know that it is still connected.
IMG Arena monitor the incoming traffic from our customers and strive to ensure that traffic is controlled, in-keeping with our guidelines and not unnecessarily excessive. We would suggest a polling rate of 5 requests per second, whilst we strive towards implementing rate limiting.
This section defines how to connect to the websocket. This works well in Postman.
This should be done by making the fixture request as below:
is a boolean denoting if the replay functionality should be enabled or not. This allows you to use the same JSON body for all requests but to not have a request be a replay.
is an integer between 1 and a 1000 denoting the number of packets that should be sent per second.
a. The upper limit of 1000 is currently due to the speed we can read off kafka and produce to the websocket
is a boolean denoting if the replay should loop when the end of the feed is reached. This allows you to request a match to keep replaying without making any further requests.
a. Note that the replay will end when you close the websocket
id String
fixtureId as defined in DDE
ix Integer
Index per channel and sub-type (event type in event channel)
mt Integer
Match time- time clock of the phase [milliseconds]
ph Integer
Phase - number of the current phase
st String
State of the current phase: [start] first message of the phase [running] phase is in progress [end] final message of the phase
ut Integer
UTC time, in milliseconds
ba Integer
Ball - Statistics on the ball
jn Number
Jersey number for the player, -1 for unknowns
pn Number
Position - (x, y, z) ball coordinates. Origin is the pitch centre in metres
tr String
Track Id of the ball
tm String
Team in possession of the ball
hm Array
Home Team - statistics on the home team's players
tr String
Track Id - track Id associated to the player
ro Integer
Role - Index identifying player's role, -1 for unknowns
jn Integer
Jersey number for the player, -1 for unknowns
pl String
Player id for the player. null for unknowns
d Number
Distance - distance traveled by the player since the beginning [meters]
v Number
Speed - current speed of the player [meters/second]
aw Array
Away Team - statistics on the away team's players
tr String
As Above
ro Integer
As Above
jn Integer
As Above
pl String
As Above
d Number
As Above
v Number
As Above
Referees - statistics on the referees
tr String
As Above
ro Integer
As Above
jn Integer
As Above
d Number
As Above
v Number
As Above
pn array
As Above