Data Frequency for Endpoints (RESTful)

We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:

REST Endpoint



Every 10 seconds


Every minute


Every minute


Every 12 hours


Every week

IMG suggests the above recommendations because of the order in which we value these updates.

Polling the /liveevents endpoint is essential when attempting to connect to an event at the earliest possible convenience. If this was polled any less then every 10 seconds, then you may not connect to a game as quickly as you may like.

Polling the /draws and /events endpoints is only needed every minute because it is not as vital to know draw or Order of Play (OOP) updates as it is to know that a match is live. These updates include draw updates like player changes or OOP updates such as court changes.

The /tournaments endpoint should be polled every 12 hours because IMG generally only receive information on new tournaments two to three times a week, for events months in advance.

Lastly, polling the /players endpoint anymore than once a week does not offer a value as IMG only receives player updates once per week. This is due to player information (e.g. ranking) only changing post-tournament and not mid-tournament.

All REST endpoints have a dedicated page and contain our recommended frequency of rest requests