Stats Event Centre

The following provides steps on how to implement an Event Centre to a specific tape view without navigation.

Steps to render Stats view - No navigation

  • Add your unique operator ID.

  • Set your targetModule: "stats" (case sensitive).

  • Enter the eventId, note to use the unique ID for the fightcard

  • Find the unique fightID that you would like to navigate to when the event centre is initially rendered, e.g. 7121

  • Add the initialContext which consists of "view" & "fightId"

    • 'View' must be: "stats" to render the fightcard in stats view

    • 'fightId' of a given fight.

Sample Code:

const { MessageTopics } = frontRowSeat.eventCentreUtils;
const eventCentreInstance = frontRowSeat.eventCentre({
        operator: "operatorIDName",
        sport: "ufc",
        targetModule: "stats",
        eventId: "eventID",
        version: "version number",
        targetElementSelector: "#img-arena-event-centre",
        language: "en",
        initialContext: {
          view: "stats",
          fightId: "fightID"

Last updated