Game Statistics
Total number of shots from striker position.
Total number of red shots - 1 point.
Total number of green shots - 3 points.
Total number of pink shots - 6 points.
Total number of black shots - 7 points.
Total number of yellow shots - 2 points.
Total number of blue shots - 5 points.
Total number of brown shots - 4 points.
Total number of shots or actions by a striker which is against the rules of the game. Common fouls are:
Failing to hit any other ball with the cue ball.
First hitting a ball "not-on" with the cue ball.
Potting a ball "not-on".
Potting the cue ball (in-off).
Touching any object ball with anything but the cue ball.
Touching any ball before all balls have come to a complete stop.
Hitting the cue ball more than once on the same shot.
Making a ball land off the table.
Touching the cue ball with anything other than the tip of the cue. The exception is that while positioning the cue ball "in-hand"; it may be touched by anything except the tip of the cue.
Playing a "push shot" – a shot in which an object ball (whether "on" or not) in direct contact with the cue ball moves when the cue ball is hit, unless the cue ball hits a very fine edge of the object ball.
Playing a "jump shot" – a shot where the cue ball leaves the bed of the table and jumps over any part of a ball before first hitting another ball.
Playing a shot with both feet off the ground. The player may lean over the table, support a portion of their weight on it, and/or use a mechanical bridge as desired, but at least one foot must remain in contact with the ground.
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