Seasons API
Live Fixtures (Subscribed)
Fixtures (Subscribed)
All Fixtures (Unsubscribed)
OR /soccer/seasons/{seasonId}/fixtures
In this section you will find details on the following endpoints:
Match Stats
Match Event Data (MLS)
Match Event Data (SPS)
Soccer Commentary Feed
This endpoint lists the soccer competition seasons and will be the gateway into the fixtures API. Information within this endpoint can be filtered by the start/end date of a season and is useful for obtaining competition id's, season id's, stage id's. Key information within the response is as follows:
Name of the competition
Competition & Season Id
Start & End Dates
Stage/Round/Group information
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
Once per 12 hours
Updated on any change to seasons, competitions, dates
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
For sample JSON files and details of each value with descriptions within the payloads, utilise the following Swagger Pages:
JSON Schema - https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/IMG_Arena/IMGA-DDE-SOCCER/1#/football/get_soccer_seasons
JSON Schema with value descriptions - https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/IMG_Arena/IMGA-DDE-SOCCER/1#/Season
This endpoint returns the competition fixtures for a specific season. Per each competition, this endpoint will return the following information:
Name of the competition
Fixture date and kick-off time
Home and Away team (with IDs)
Stage/Round/Group information
Status (scheduled, live, completed, postponed)
This allows clients to determine which fixtures are live and available based on a user's licence. The top URL shows all live fixtures and the bottom shows all live fixtures within that seasonId (e.g. MLS 2021/22).
Fixtures (Subscribed):
The top URL lists the fixtures for which you a user is licensed, and the bottom URL the fixtures within a specific seasonId (e.g. MLS 2021/22), that a user is licensed for.
All Fixtures (Unsubscribed):
This top URL lists the fixtures for all competitions (licensed and unlicensed). This is useable for an operator to see what which competitions might be available to purchase from IMGA. The bottom URL is a list of fixtures for a specific seasonId (e.g. MLS 2021/22), both licensed and unlicensed.
Single Fixture
This allows clients to determine the details for a single fixture
Status & dateTo and dateFrom (added 3rd Aug 2022)
This allows clients to filter based on the status of a match or group of matches and between specific dates. For example, the above URL would show all matches that are 'scheduled' that a client is a licensed for between 7th July 2022 and 10th July 2022. These additional parameters can be used in conjunction with other support parameters like ?live=true and also be utilised with seasonId to allow a user to filter by status and dateTo and dateFrom within a certain season.
Supported status values are 'scheduled', 'live', 'completed', 'postponed'
type (addd August 2022)
Type parameter allows a user to call the fixtures API by 'Official', 'Simulation' or 'Training'. Official will denote any official match collected by our data collection team, Simulation is generally any match we simulate and Training is for internal data collection training.
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
Live Fixtures (Subscribed)
Every 30 seconds for a fixture
Live fixtures for which a client is licensed. This allows clients to determine which fixtures are live and available.
Fixtures (Subscribed)
Every 60 seconds for an upcoming fixture
The fixtures for a competition for which a client is licensed.
All Fixtures (Unsubscribed)
OR /soccer/seasons/{seasonId}/fixtures
Every 24 hours
Lists ALL the fixtures for all competitions. This is useful to determine what IMGA covers for that sport.
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
For sample JSON files and details of each value with descriptions within the payloads, utilise the following Swagger Pages:
JSON Schema - https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/IMG_Arena/IMGA-DDE-SOCCER/1#/football/get_soccer_fixtures
JSON Schema with value descriptions - https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/IMG_Arena/IMGA-DDE-SOCCER/1#/Fixture
This endpoint returns the competition squads for a specific season. Per each competition, this endpoint will return the following information:
Name of the competition
Team name & Id
Player forename, lastname and Id
Shirt Number
This allows clients to determine which players are associated to which team and seasonId.
This allows clients to call by teamId
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
For sample JSON files and details of each value with descriptions within the payloads, utilise the following Swagger Pages:
Welcome to the documentation section for IMG Arena's Soccer Data Feeds. In this section, we will cover off all our consumer facing APIs and Websockets, which allow our clients to connect to the best in class Data Feeds.
Below is a summary of our current offering. For more detail on each feed, please use the left hand navigation section for more detail. Each section will overview that API/Websocket, Endpoint URLs, Request Parameters, Response Models and sample files.
For any further issues or information please reach out to our Support team.
JSON Schema -
JSON Schema with value descriptions -
Seasons API
Lists the seasons between a start/end date and is useful for obtaining competition id's, season id's, stage id's
Live Fixtures (Subscribed)
Live fixtures for which a client is licensed. This allows clients to determine which fixtures are live and available.
Fixtures (Subscribed)
The fixtures for a competition for which a client is licensed.
All Fixtures (Unsubscribed)
OR /soccer/seasons/{seasonId}/fixtures
Lists ALL the fixtures for all competitions. This is useful to determine what IMGA covers for that sport.
Lists all the players registered to a squad within a given competition
Live Actions
Contains a live 'stream' of the team and player actions happening within the football match - this will include; goals, cards, shots and more.
Match Statistics
This will display the aggregated player and team match actions which produce statistics like goals, cards, shots, number of attacks and more.
Once per 24 hours
Updated on any change to a team and their squad such as a player being called up, a player transfer etc.
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
This endpoint returns an entire MLS Soccer match event data session in the form of sequential timestamped packets covering the MLS match. The endpoint can be filtered by the specific MLS fixtureId for that match and returns each phase of the match action along with the preceding connected match event (for example a pass assist leading to a shot on goal).
Key information within the response is as follows:
Name of the competition
Competition & Season Id
Action type
Clock time
Direction of play
Period (1st or 2nd Half)
XY coordinate position of match event
Target Player details including shirt number and Id (if applicable)
XY coordinate of target player
(Preceding) Passing/Shooting player details including shirt number and Id
Team name and details
Competition name and details
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
Every 30 seconds for media usage
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
*Authorization header includes a truncated Bearer token, contact IMG for your auth token if you do not have.
This endpoint currently takes a fixture_id in the url header to fetch the correct MLS fixture.
Action Id object
Field Name
alpha numeric
actionId is a composite key of matchId , eventId and actionType
The ID of the actionType (Pass, Shot..)
Type of metadata contained in packet (Pass, Shot, Save..)
The clock time within the match fixture (001:39:23) means 1 minute 39 seconds into the match
alpha numeric
The ID of the competition (i.e. MLS or MLS Cup)
Determined at start of period of play (first half, second half, etc)
Specifies what direction the team is playing - whether rightToLeft or leftToRight
The ID of the event within the match
UTC dateTime
The timestamp of the event which differs from clockTime, for example:
alpha numeric
The MLS Fixture ID
Setting isSuccessful conditionally if the action resulted in a successful completion (successful pass, successful shot on goal)
alpha numeric
messageId is a unique ID for each produced packet
metadata object { }
object array
This is an array consisting if detailed contextual meta data explaining the action, player and position of the event, wtih details such as type of event (pass, shot, save), distance of (pass, shot), current player position of event, player details, target the pass/shot was aimed for.
Key Value Pair Object Array
The XY position of the target of this action
Parent action Id object
Field Name
One EventId may map to several packets, this field maps to the predecessor packet
The first packet will have no parentActionId
For example SuccessfulShot will create two SPS packets shot and goal
shot will have no parent
goal parent will map to shot actionId
(first half, second half)
player object { }
object array
This is an array consisting of high level data around the player who provided the preceding action, including name, id, shirt number
alpha numeric
The ID of the MLS season
alpha numeric
The stage ID within the season/event (Semi final of cup), (last game of the regular season)
team object { }
object array
This is an array consisting of high level data around the team in possession
This describes the phase of play and is an incrementing value according ballPossessionPhase
Not necessarily inline with time the event occurred
All Event Action types that are returned from the endpoint
This endpoint returns an entire Soccer match event data session in the form of sequential timestamped packets covering an IMGA/Openbet Sports Services (SPS) collected match. The endpoint can be filtered by the specific fixtureId for that match and returns each phase of the match action along with the connected events around each event.
Key information within the response is as follows:
Fixture ID
Player Details, including shirt number
Action type
Clock time
Action Context and MetaData, such as Goals, Fouls, Assists
Period (1st or 2nd Half)
XY coordinate position of player and match event
Parent Action ID, to enable linking preceding events
Team name and details
VAR Decisions and Player Substitutions
Still to be confirmed, likely to be in the form of below:
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
Every 30 seconds for media usage
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
*Authorization header includes a truncated Bearer token, contact IMG for your auth token if you do not have.
This endpoint currently takes a fixture_id in the url header to fetch the correct fixture.
Action Id object
alpha numeric
actionId is a composite key of matchId , eventId and actionType
The ID of the actionType (Pass, Shot..)
Type of metadata contained in packet (pass, shot, goalkeeperSave..)
The clock time within the match fixture ("01:41") means 1 minute 41 seconds into the match
Determined at start of a period of play ("FirstHalf", "FirstHalfExtraTime", "SecondHalf", "SecondHalfExtraTime", "Penalties")
alpha numeric
The match Fixture ID
UTC dateTime
The timestamp of the event which differs from clockTime, for example:
Any unusual game action/event warning message
alpha numeric uuid
messageId is a unique ID for each produced packet
team {}
Team object containing a team ID and team name details
The game clock time in seconds
alpha numeric uuid
parentActionId is a composite key of the preceding connected action to the current one, i.e. the previous action's 'actionId
A number that increments per team every time they loose and gain possession
alpha numeric
Administrative procedure to record the Data Collector/Scorer ID who sent the action, for match scoring performance and Quality Assurance
UTC dateTime
The timestamp the event was first created
An indication that this packet should be 'deleted' or removed from records as the data within it has changed, this could be for example a goal packet that has now been ruled out for 'offside/VAR' etc
Setting isSuccessful conditionally if the action resulted in a successful completion (successful pass, successful shot on goal)
metadata object { }
object array
This is an array consisting of detailed contextual meta data explaining the action, player and position of the event, wtih details such as type of event (pass, shot), distance of (pass, shot)
Player Object Array
Player details including player full name, player ID and player shirt number
All Event Action types that are returned from the endpoint (actionTypeMetadata)
Section to house frequently asked questions
Under which situations will scouts send Possible VAR?
The VAR can be used only in three situations; Penalty, Goal & Red Card
First one is "Possible Video Check". Choosing this button means possibility of the Data Collector's decision of taking a VAR by referee during handballs or unclear fouls within the penalty area or dangerous attacks that can result in a red card.
Is there an End of Possible VAR or No VAR action code?
Not at this moment in time, when the ball is out of play after the Data Collector clicks "possible VAR", and the referee does not stop the game to check the VAR. Please note we will be adding a No VAR button in due course
Are scouts allowed to continue reporting before 'resolving' Possible VAR (either with VAR start or No VAR)?
Yes- they would keep scoring and would send a message that a Possible Var has happened, and the referee may check it when the ball is out of play.
In a VAR competition, if a player is fouled in the area but the penalty is not immediately given, how exactly will the scout report on this?
In this case, the Data Collector would click "Possible VAR" button, and would then select "Potential Penalty Awarded" as the sub type. Then the Data Collector would continue scoring.
When exactly will the scout send the Possible VAR action - when the player is fouled, or when the scout believes the foul might be being reviewed by VAR?
The Data Collector would click "Possible VAR" button when they believe that the foul might be being reviewed by VAR later once the ball is out of play.
Is there a separate Possible Penalty action, or only one embedded in the Possible VAR workflow (6401)?
Only the one embedded in the "Possible VAR" button - there are three sub types in "Possible VAR":
"Potential Penalty Awarded"
"Potential Red Card"
Relating to penalties, will you always 'resolve' these either by Goal or Penalty Missed?
There is also a 3rd option for penalty result which is "Penalty Retake", however, once it's retaken the result would be either:
"Goal" - sub type:
"Penalty Goal"
"Penalty Missed" - sub type:
The Live Actions websocket contains a live 'stream' of the team and player actions happening within the football match - this will include; goals, cards, shots and more.
You should receive a new update any time a key action is completed and this websocket is crucial for powering live scores and match actions.
The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint.
Once you have the API token, any further data that you send over the connection will be ignored.
N.B – This endpoint sends heartbeats in-between data packets to let you know that it is still connected.
N.B. – Please insert the relevant fixtureId returned from the fixtures API endpoint to return you the data. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint.
Connect to SSL websocket address
Send JSON packet containing API token
Receive response indicating that connection is authorised (or a response indicating why the connection cannot be made)
Receive heartbeat packets every 10 seconds to verify the connection is live
Receive data packets
Once you have the API token, any further data that you send over the connection will be ignored. This endpoint sends heartbeats in-between data packets to let you know that it is still connected.
IMG Arena monitor the incoming traffic from our customers and strive to ensure that traffic is controlled, in-keeping with our guidelines and not unnecessarily excessive. We would suggest a polling rate of 5 requests per second, whilst we strive towards implementing rate limiting.
There are 2 optional params, that are in common with these Websocket endpoints:
“speed” - this can be “fast” or “normal”. Default is normal and only applicable for offline matches
“startPosition” : integer value, default is 0. This is how many events to skip from the beginning of the list of events. e.g. 5 would be start sending events from the 5th event received for that websocket. This is a useful feature if you want to continue without getting all the events again from the beginning when you reconnect
The below information details the key fastpath actions and sub action types we will be collecting live and distributing via the live Actions websocket. An action type can be something like a goal, card, dangerous attack. The sub action type gives extra context to that initial action type. i.e. a goal (action type) scored from inside the box (sub action type).
This section details and describes the values within the actions payload (replaces the swagger actions websocket doc)
This endpoint is a live match websocket endpoint that returns the full set up of player & team statistics.
The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint.
Once you have the API token, any further data that you send over the connection will be ignored.
N.B – This endpoint sends heartbeats in-between data packets to let you know that it is still connected.
This endpoint currently takes no request parameters
IMG Arena monitor the incoming traffic from our customers and strive to ensure that traffic is controlled, in-keeping with our guidelines and not unnecessarily excessive. We would suggest a polling rate of 5 requests per second, whilst we strive towards implementing rate limiting.
There are 2 optional params, that are in common with these Websocket endpoints:
“speed” - this can be “fast” or “normal”. Default is normal and only applicable for offline matches
“startPosition” : integer value, default is 0. This is how many events to skip from the beginning of the list of events. e.g. 5 would be start sending events from the 5th event received for that websocket. This is a useful feature if you want to continue without getting all the events again from the beginning when you reconnect
The below information details the key FastPath actions and sub action types we will be collecting live and distributing via the live Actions WebSocket.
An action type can be something like a goal, card, dangerous attack. The sub action type gives extra context to that initial action type. i.e. a goal (action type) scored from inside the box (sub action type). Actions data could relate to player actions, such as the number of shots, passes, crosses, challenges, corners, forwards, offsides, or deflections, etc.
Or, team actions, such as the number of kick-offs, goal kicks, throw-ins, corner kicks, free kicks, or penalty kicks, etc.
Or, referee actions, such as the number of goals disallowed, dropped balls, substitutions, cautions or dismissals, etc.
Match data can be:
The name of the referee
Which players are within the teams
Which colors are being worn by the team
What the environment is like on the given day, i.e. the weather conditions
Please see here for a full list of action types collected
This REST API endpoint returns all available statistical data in the form of soccer commentary given a fixture_id and a team_id.
This can be called before a match begins (to obtain pre match insights) or during a live fixture to obtain (in-play insights).
Soccer data is processed via the Data Insights Lakehouse Engine using historical data and has the capability to include AI commentary additional processing to enhance the comments.
N.B. – Please insert the relevant fixtureId returned from the fixtures API endpoint to return the data. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint.
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
Example Header
Comment narratives and data types fit into one of these categories as their primary 'betting driver/market type'
In their last 15 fixtures this season playing at home in the Netherlands Eerste Divisie, Team FC Utrecht U21 has conceded 414 throw-ins: 191 in the first period, 223 during the second
The average time for Team Ajax Amsterdam U21 to concede their third shot on target this Netherlands Eerste Divisie season playing away is 38 minutes
The average time for Team Adelaide Cobras Res. to concede their third shot on target this Australia South Australia - State League 1 Reserves season playing home is 49 minutes
The average time for Team Austin FC to book their opponent the first yellow card this season at USA MLS is 39 minutes
The average time for Team Ajax Amsterdam U21's opponent to receive a second yellow card this season in the Netherlands Eerste Divisie is 68 minutes
The average time for Team Charlotte FC to concede their first goal this season at USA MLS playing away is 53 minutes
The average time for Team AIK to score their first goal this season at Sweden Allsvenskan is 52 minutes
The average time for Team JK Tabasalu to concede five corners this season playing home is 72 minutes at Estonia Esiliiga
The average time for Team Colorado Rapids 2 to concede five corners this season is 46 minutes at USA MLS Next Pro
ShotsOnTarget (inc player shots on target info)
In their last 2 fixtures this season playing at home in the Australia Victoria - NPLW, Team Bulleen Lions W has conceded 14 shots on target, where 5 happened in the first period
In their last 24 fixtures this season in the Israel Ligat ha'Al, Maccabi Haifa's player Refaelov has accumulated a total of 1 shots on target and it happened during the first half
After 7 total games this 2024 season at USA MLS Team Inter Miami CF has been 2 goals above its opponent 3 matches
After 14 away games this 2023/2024 season at Greece Super League Team PAOK Thessaloniki has been 2 goals above its opponent 10 matches
After 5 total games this 2024 season at USA MLS Team New England Revolution has been 2 goals down its opponent 3 matches
NumberOfBookingsYellowAvg (with player data)
In their last 19 fixtures this season in the Romania Superliga, ACSM Politehnica Iasi's player De Souza Figueiredo has been booked an average of 0.16 yellow cards per match. 33% took place during the first half
In their last 10 fixtures this season in the Romania Superliga, SC Otelul Galati's player Rus has been booked an average of 0.3 yellow cards per match. 33% took place during the first half
NumberOfBookingsYellow (with player data)
In their last 21 fixtures this season in the Montenegro Prva Liga, FK Mladost Donja Gorica's player Maras has been booked a total of 4 yellow cards: 1 in the first period, 3 during the second
Team AEK Athens has won their previous 5 home games this 2023/2024 season at Greece Super League
Team PFC Ludogorets 1945 has won their previous 4 away games this 2023/2024 season at Bulgaria 1 Liga
Team Macarthur FC has not lost their previous 5 away matches this 2023/2024 season at Australia A-League Men
Team Skive IK has not lost their previous 8 total matches this 2023/2024 season at Denmark 2nd Division
Team VfB Lübeck has lost their previous 5 away matches this 2023/2024 season at Germany 3. Liga
Team FC Dallas has lost their previous 4 total matches this 2024 season at USA MLS
Team Skive IK has tied their last 4 home matches this 2023/2024 season at Denmark 2nd Division
Team FK Tekstilac Odzaci has tied their last 5 away matches this 2023/2024 season in the Serbia Prva Liga
In the previous 2 total games, Team Colorado Rapids 2 has scored a goal during the last 15 minutes of the second half
In the previous 3 total games of the Australia Victoria - VPL 1, Team Kingston City has conceded a goal during the last 15 minutes of the second half
In the previous 4 total games, Team Preston Lions has received a yellow card during the last 15 minutes of the second half
In the previous 2 total games, Team Chicago Fire FC has conceded a goal during the last 10 minutes of the first half
In the previous 2 total games, Team Tacoma Defiance has scored a goal during the last 10 minutes of the first half
In the previous 3 total games, Team Kingston City U23 has conceded a yellow card during the last 10 minutes of the first half
In their last 11 fixtures this season playing away in the Romania Superliga, SC Otelul Galati's player Teles Pereira Nunes Da Silva has scored 3 goals: 2 in the first period, 1 during the second
In their last 7 fixtures this season playing home in the Israel Ligat ha'Al, Maccabi Tel Aviv's player Gilad Kanichowsky has scored 2 goals, both of them in the second half
In their last 17 fixtures this season in the Montenegro Prva Liga, OFK Petrovac's player Babic has scored a total of 8 goals: 4 in the first period, 4 during the second
After 15 home games this 2023/2024 season at Greece Super League Team PAOK Thessaloniki has been the first scorer on 10
After 21 total games this 2023/2024 season at Denmark 2nd Division Team Esbjerg fB has been the first scorer on 15
In the last 2 away matches for the season 2024 at Australia South Australia - State League 1 Reserves Team Salisbury United FC Res. has missed 2 dangerous attacks
Team FC Dordrecht keeps a clean sheet during their last 5 home matches
Team Holbaek keeps a clean sheet during their last 4 away matches
On the previous 1 away matches, both Adelaide Blue Eagles Res. and its opponents scored at least a goal
On the previous 2 away matches, both New England Revolution and its opponents scored at least a goal
On their last 3 fixtures this season at USA MLS Next Pro, Team Tacoma Defiance has conceded an average of 24.33 throw-ins per match, 45% took place during the first half
In their last 24 fixtures this season in the Israel Ligat ha'Al, Maccabi Haifa's player Refaelov averages a total of 0.04 shots on target per match, 100% took place during the first half
In their last 27 fixtures this season in the Bulgaria 1 Liga, Team Botev Vratsa has conceded, on average, a total of 5.33 shots on target per match, 40% took place during the first half
In their last 3 fixtures this season playing at home in the Australia Victoria - VPL 1, Team Langwarrin has conceded, on average, 6.33 shots on target per match, 36% took place during the first half
AvgGoals (including player data)
In their last 14 fixtures this season in the Serbia Prva Liga, FK Mladost GAT Novi Sad's player Abadzija averages a total of 0.14 goals per match, all took place during the first half
In their last 17 fixtures this season in the Montenegro Prva Liga, OFK Petrovac's player Babic averages a total of 0.47 goals per match
In their last 7 fixtures this season playing home in the Serbia Prva Liga, FK Indjija's player Desancic averages 0.43 goals per match
Example of enable_ai ( increases variation of comments by a factor of 10 )
time triggered comments "Columbus Crew are winning 2-0. In the previous 2 total games have scored a goal during the last 15 minutes of the second half"
"Inter Miami are drawing 0-0. The average time to concede their first goal this season is 30 minutes. The average time to concede their first goal this season playing away is 24 minutes"
"Colorado are losing 0-1, but the match is still very much in play. They should maintain a positive attitude and continue to fight for every opportunity. The average time to receive the first yellow card this season playing at home is 57 minutes, so they must be cautious in their tackles."
event triggered comments "Nashville just attempted their second shot of the game, indicating their willingness to take risks. At home, they typically have their third shot on target by the 44th minute mark."
"Vancouver have conceded, on average, a total of 2.0 goals per match in their recent fixtures, highlighting a clear area for improvement. In their last fixture this season, playing at home, they have conceded 2 goals, with all being scored in the first half."
"Having just received their first yellow card in the game, LA Galaxy needs to maintain composure and avoid risky tackles. Their average time to receive a second yellow card this season is 45 minutes, so they should be mindful of their discipline on the field."
Action Id object
Sample Response Extract
Response headers
Every 30 seconds for media usage
Required (unless stated otherwise*)
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
fixtureId (Optional*)
8780f158-052f-4f70-80c8-5d748f1494fe (an example)
teamId (Optional*)
023356e9-3287-46a5-973a-9c71b02e4de6 (an example)
en by default (or another language)
trigger (market types)
ALL (or a market type)
include_alt_text (Optional*)
enable_ai (Optional*)
current away team score as a string value
current game time elapsed in seconds
alpha numeric
unique record reference key of the game comment
The current clock time within the match fixture ("01:41") means 1 minute 41 seconds into the match
current home team score as a string value
"1" for home or "0" for away represented as a string
The textual commentary string/paragraph containing key data points pertaining to triggers/market types/data points requested
The opposition team name (the other team who are playing the team requested in the url)
the period in the match represented by a string where "0" is the first half and "1" is the second half
alpha numeric
Unique reference for this game within the season
alpha numeric
The unique team reference key
The 'requested' team name asked for in the url header via teamId
UTC dateTime
The timestamp the event was first created
Time in the day trigger point (Pre match, Post match, in play) when this endpoint is being requested
This REST API endpoint returns the final aggregated match stats packet in a single URL call (which are typically delivered in the 'Live match Statistics' websocket). These stats are delivered in the API call at the END of the fixture.
The data contained will include all team and player aggregated stats happening within the soccer match - this will include; goals, cards, corners, shots and more. For a list of all match stats that are supported, as well as definitions of these actions, please see the following documentation page https://docs.imgarena.com/football/stream-endpoints-websocket/live-match-statistics
N.B. – Please insert the relevant fixtureId returned from the fixtures API endpoint to return the data. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint.
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
Once post match
Updated at the end of each match with the full list of team and player match stats
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
Please see the live actions websocket 'Response Model' section to understand the stats, definitions. Below is also a small snippet of the JSON schema
This REST API endpoint returns all match action packets in a single URL call (which are typically delivered in the 'Live Actions' websocket). Crucially these match action packets are delivered in the API call at the END of the fixture.
The data contained will include all team and player actions happening within the soccer match - this will include; goals, cards, shots and more. For a list of all match actions that are supported, as well as definitions of these actions, please see the following documentation page https://docs.imgarena.com/football/stream-endpoints-websocket/live-actions
N.B. – Please insert the relevant fixtureId returned from the fixtures API endpoint to return the data. The authentication token provided will be required to make a connection to this websocket endpoint.
We recommend the following frequency for your REST requests to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at all times:
Once post match
Updated at the end of each match with the full list of match actions
Bearer eyvhaoudfgpdfgo*
Please see the live actions websocket 'Response Model' section to understand the actions, definitions. Below is also a small snippet of the JSON schema https://docs.imgarena.com/football/stream-endpoints-websocket/live-actions#response-model