Analytics > Historical Statistics

The Analytics Report is a feature that allows Operators to view detailed information on the consumption of any streams that they have booked. This can be found by selecting "historical statistics" under the Analytics tab on the ALC.

The page is split into eight sections:

  • Summary

  • Daily Views

  • Sport Popularity

  • Platforms

  • Event Streams

  • Countries

  • US States (Where applicable)

  • CA Provinces (Where applicable)

This report can be filtered in some ways, by date, country, Sport/Property and individual events.

The date range has no limit and can be run from a single day to a year or more if needed.

Note - Any data from the previous 48 hours does not appear in the report.

The Country/US State options are only relevant when an Operator trades out of more than one country.

Filtering by sport and property will help you break down specifics if you want to only focus on any individual sports, such as Football and then the Danish Football only.

You can type the name of the event you need to find, and this will provide analytics for only this event.

This data is available for both mobile and desktop and can be downloaded in CSV form, similar to the schedule pages. You're also able to print a report on all analytics.


This section provides a general overview of streams consumed during the specified period (the default when you first go to the page is the last 7 days):

Total Views - is the total number of views across all streams booked by the Operator. Note: If a person loads a stream, then goes to watch another before returning to watch the first stream again, all on the same connection, this would count as two views.

Total Minutes Viewed - is the total number of minutes the stream has been seen.

Average Duration - is the average time spent per stream, per view. This is the mean number, so the total number of seconds viewed, divided by the total number of views.

Unique Views - is IP address related and should be a total number of views per IP. This will typically be one view per person, but if someone was viewing the stream on wifi and then switches to mobile data and views the stream again, this will total two unique views.

Here's a good example of how the above 3 calculations work:

If a unique user views the same stream twice and spends 30 seconds on the stream each time, this would equal 1 unique view, 2 total views and an average duration of 30 seconds.

Bandwidth Consumed - the total amount of streaming data consumed during the specified time period.

Daily Views

This section shows the total number of views on each day during the specified period. Hovering the cursor across the chart will show the total views on any particular day.

Sport Popularity

This section breaks down the Summary data in Sports-specific metrics. Depending on the size of the browser window, you might see the top 5 Sports listed, with the option to scroll to the right to see more.


Here you will find the Summary data split across mobile/web platforms.

Event Streams

In this section, you will find the most popular streams, in order of Total Views.


Here you’ll find the countries with the most views. It’s not perfect for those clients that only operate out of one country, although it can be used to identify if they’ve been getting views from other territories. Hover over a country to see the Total Views.

US States (Where Applicable)

As above, but this is limited to the US States. This will only appear if the client has any licenses with State-specific restrictions on their licenses. Hover over a state to see the Total Views.

CA Provinces (Where Applicable)

As above, but this is limited to the Canadian Provinces. This will only appear if the client has any licenses with Province-specific restrictions on their licenses. Hover over a state to see the Total Views.

Last updated

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