Team Round Details

This web socket endpoint returns the event-by-event data PER TEAM PER ROUND. You will need to make a connection for each team once per round. All of that team’s event-by-event data for that round will play out, and you should close the connection upon receiving the RoundFinished packet. This endpoint is in conjunction with the Live Events REST endpoint – when a team starts their round they will be included in the response to the /liveevents endpoint, and at that point you should commence connecting to the web socket for that team’s round live stream.

Endpoint URL


N.B – Please connect to wss:// to get a sample one hole’s worth of data, including all of the mentioned keystrokes in the documentation.

Process for connecting to the web socket endpoints

  • Connect to SSL websocket address

  • Send JSON packet containing API token

  • Receive response indicating that connection is authorised (or a response indicating why the connection cannot be made)

  • Receive heartbeat packets every 10 seconds to verify the connection is live

  • Receive data packets

Once you have the API token, any further data that you send over the connection will be ignored.

Request Parameters

This endpoint currently takes no request parameters, we aim to add them, and once we have they will be detailed here.

Response Model

There are a number of different types of packets that can be sent through this endpoint. They are detailed in the Round Details Scenarios section.

Team Round details via RestAPI

Note that the team round details websockets is available via Rest -{tournamentId}}/round/{RoundNo}/team/{TeamID}?rest=true

Last updated

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