

On certain courts at certain tournaments, when the technology is available, players/teams can choose to challenge the call of the umpire or line judge if they think that they have made a mistake.

Teams have 3 unsuccessful challenges per set, with one more added if the set goes to a tiebreak. If they are successful in a challenge then they keep that challenge (e.g. if they are on 2 challenges and they win the challenge, they still have 2 challenges remaining)

There are a number of scenarios, e.g:ScenarioExample


Player A hits the ball OUT, the ball is called IN. Player B challenges, and WINS the challenge.


Player A hits the ball IN, the ball is called OUT. Player A challenges, and WINS the challenge.


Player A hits the ball OUT, the Ball is called OUT. Player A challenges. and LOSES the challenge.


Player A hits the ball IN, the ball is called IN. Player B challenges, and LOSES the challenge.


The 'Challenge' packets will come after 'Point Started' packets and before 'Point' packets.

Here is a standard challenge scenario (Score is 0-0 in the game):

  • 'Point Started' packet received

  • Player B hits the ball long, ball is called long. Player B challenges. 'Challenge' Packet received, e.g:

  • Challenge JSON

  "timestamp": "2022-06-28T20:00:52.148Z",
  "eventElementType": "MatchStatusUpdate",
  "matchTime": "01:45:22",
  "seqNum": 518,
  "matchStatus": {
    "umpireCountry": "SRB",
    "umpire": "M. VELJOVIC",
    "teamAPlayer1": "R. PETERSON",
    "tossChooser": "Serve",
    "matchState": {
      "team": "TeamB",
      "state": "ChallengeInProgress",
      "locationTimestamp": "2022-06-28T21:00:51"
    "teamBPlayer1": "A. SCHMIEDLOVA",
    "numSets": 3,
    "scoringType": "LastSetTiebreak12",
    "firstServer": "TeamA",
    "tossWinner": "TeamA",
    "courtNum": 6,
    "teamAPlayersDetails": {
      "player1Id": "317771",
      "player1Country": "SWE"
    "teamBPlayersDetails": {
      "player1Id": "318203",
      "player1Country": "SVK"
    "umpireCode": "M\\YAAA",
    "tieBreakType": "TieBreakInFinalSet"

Next, after the challenge has been reviewed, the Challenge will either have won or lost, and you will receive a packet like the following.

The packet contains the information that Team A won the challenge:

  • Challenge Lost (Player B) JSON

  "timestamp": "2022-06-28T20:00:53.907Z",
  "eventElementType": "MatchStatusUpdate",
  "matchTime": "01:45:22",
  "seqNum": 519,
  "matchStatus": {
    "umpireCountry": "SRB",
    "umpire": "M. VELJOVIC",
    "teamAPlayer1": "R. PETERSON",
    "tossChooser": "Serve",
    "matchState": {
      "challengeEnded": "2022-06-28T21:00:52",
      "state": "ChallengeInProgress",
      "team": "TeamB",
      "locationTimestamp": "2022-06-28T21:00:51",
      "won": "TeamA"
    "teamBPlayer1": "A. SCHMIEDLOVA",
    "numSets": 3,
    "scoringType": "LastSetTiebreak12",
    "firstServer": "TeamA",
    "tossWinner": "TeamA",
    "courtNum": 6,
    "teamAPlayersDetails": {
      "player1Id": "317771",
      "player1Country": "SWE"
    "teamBPlayersDetails": {
      "player1Id": "318203",
      "player1Country": "SVK"
    "umpireCode": "M\\YAAA",
    "tieBreakType": "TieBreakInFinalSet"
  • The next packet will be the 'In Progress' packet, indicating that the match is out of 'Challenge' Mode

  • After this the 'Point' packet will be sent with the correct score (In this case 15-0, as Player A won the point)

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